| - The Shroud of Turing is a very old blanket which, when placed over the head of a messiah, allows a fair double blind test to be carried out where said messiah attempts to determine whether an entity with whom he is conversing is human, or an Artificial Intelligence. The renowned scientist, Judas, was unfortunately many hundreds of years ahead of his time, as he began this experiment long before any convincing attempt at producing an Artificial Intelligence had been made.
| - The Shroud of Turing is a very old blanket which, when placed over the head of a messiah, allows a fair double blind test to be carried out where said messiah attempts to determine whether an entity with whom he is conversing is human, or an Artificial Intelligence. The renowned scientist, Judas, was unfortunately many hundreds of years ahead of his time, as he began this experiment long before any convincing attempt at producing an Artificial Intelligence had been made. As such, the results of the test were inconclusive, though Judas was still paid his full research grant of 30 pieces of silver for the work. In 1066 (although there is still a court case in progress, as 1666 also claims credit) Judas was awarded a Noble Peace Prize for his work. The shroud was later purchased by Wizards of the Coast, along with its patents and copyrights, for exclusive use in its Dungeons and Dragons 3.85rd edition game, where it was retconed to conform to the following specifications: