| - December 21, 2012 (also known as Mayan Day or Day Of Doom) is the rumor that the world will end on that day according to the Mayan calender.
- We assume that you've come to Uncyclopedia having just been on the receiving end of an extensive ear battering from some crazy conspiracy theorist who has been trying to convince you about their own preposterous theories regarding exactly how the world will end on Dec. 21, 2012. Well firstly let us put your mind at rest. There is virtually no serious evidence whatsoever to suggest this to be the case other than a few minor predictions made by Nostradamus, Cibyl, The Bible, NASA, the Mayan Calendar, Rock, paper, scissors, Merlin, Houdini, Joan of Arc, Timothy Leary, William Westmoreland, Ann Landers, Joan Rivers, Roland Emmerich, and not to forget the Hopi people, who might have predicted their own rise and fall, although it is unlikely they will admit it. Based on these rather dubious sources it is reasonable to assume that everything is going to remain exactly as it currently is. So don't go listening to those moronic conspiracy theorists. If there is one thing we can't stand it's raving conspiracy theorists.