Selective Breeding is a Discovery Age technology in Age of Empires III. It is available at the Livestock Pen for Europeans, Native Americans can research it at the Farm and the Chinese at the Village. With it livestock (goats, sheep, cows and so forth) fatten 25% faster when tasked on Livestock Pens, farms, and villages.
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- Selective breeding
| - Selective Breeding is a Discovery Age technology in Age of Empires III. It is available at the Livestock Pen for Europeans, Native Americans can research it at the Farm and the Chinese at the Village. With it livestock (goats, sheep, cows and so forth) fatten 25% faster when tasked on Livestock Pens, farms, and villages.
- Organisms (like norns) that possess favourable or, more commonly, attractive traits (such as being a certain shade of red), are permitted to breed by the Hand more than, for example, dun-coloured norns, and pass on their traits to their offspring. Compare with natural selection.
- Selective Breeding is a Technology in Empire: Total War.
- There are different types of selective breeding. They are:
* eugenic breeding
* dysgenic breeding- this is the sort of breeding that one group might force upon a subjugated rival group, so as to weaken them
* race-selective breeding
* status-selective breeding (this includes education-selective breeding, wealth-selective breeding, and other subtypes)
* character-selective breeding (this includes belief-selective breeding, ideology-selective breeding, behavior-selective breeding, and other subtypes)
* miscellaneous specialized breeding- selection of seemingly random traits, so as to create particular 'breeds' of humans, as has been done with dogs This is a factual article as opposed to fiction or . It describes the current state of the field and explains expected f
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| - Herdable animals fatten 25% faster
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| - * +15% Coin Wealth generated by farms
* Leads to Clearances
| - Selective Breeding is a Discovery Age technology in Age of Empires III. It is available at the Livestock Pen for Europeans, Native Americans can research it at the Farm and the Chinese at the Village. With it livestock (goats, sheep, cows and so forth) fatten 25% faster when tasked on Livestock Pens, farms, and villages.
- There are different types of selective breeding. They are:
* eugenic breeding
* dysgenic breeding- this is the sort of breeding that one group might force upon a subjugated rival group, so as to weaken them
* race-selective breeding
* status-selective breeding (this includes education-selective breeding, wealth-selective breeding, and other subtypes)
* character-selective breeding (this includes belief-selective breeding, ideology-selective breeding, behavior-selective breeding, and other subtypes)
* miscellaneous specialized breeding- selection of seemingly random traits, so as to create particular 'breeds' of humans, as has been done with dogs This is a factual article as opposed to fiction or . It describes the current state of the field and explains expected future developments without or fantasy.
- Organisms (like norns) that possess favourable or, more commonly, attractive traits (such as being a certain shade of red), are permitted to breed by the Hand more than, for example, dun-coloured norns, and pass on their traits to their offspring. Compare with natural selection.
- Selective Breeding is a Technology in Empire: Total War.
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