The fighting between the Řád planoucí růže and the Scoia'tael in the streets of Stará Wyzima has taken its toll and former residents are now refugees, seeking shelter anywhere. Their daily battles in the streets have driven many Vizimans into the Hřbitov v bažinách. At least there they need only fear the topivec, utopencis and bloedzuigers. Scattered about the swamp are a number of caves. Some caves lead to ancient and abandoned crypts, others to long forgotten industrial concerns. Three of the caves have now become known as Jeskyně uprchlíků, for obvious reasons:
The fighting between the Řád planoucí růže and the Scoia'tael in the streets of Stará Wyzima has taken its toll and former residents are now refugees, seeking shelter anywhere. Their daily battles in the streets have driven many Vizimans into the Hřbitov v bažinách. At least there they need only fear the topivec, utopencis and bloedzuigers. Scattered about the swamp are a number of caves. Some caves lead to ancient and abandoned crypts, others to long forgotten industrial concerns. Three of the caves have now become known as Jeskyně uprchlíků, for obvious reasons: