| - The wanted level feature in Grand Theft Auto IV and its expansions is a measure of how much the player is wanted by the Liberty City Police Department (LCPD) and the city's other law enforcement agencies (such as NOOSE and the FIB) and therefore how much force will be used in the pursuit of the player. As in previous games, the wanted level feature in Grand Theft Auto IV is measured on a six-star scale, transitioning the non-lethal one star to the extremely aggressive six stars. Relatively minor crimes committed within sight of the police may attract one star, though certain actions (like firing shots) can get the player a star if an officer is within hearing range but cannot see the player. Committing serious crimes is likely to earn multiple stars outright: for example, killing or wounding an officer with a firearm results in an immediate three-star wanted level, rather than a two-star wanted level like in previous Grand Theft Auto games. Stars are cumulative because repeatedly committing one-star crimes with the sight of the police may lead to a two-star rating and so on. Once the player has a wanted level, officers in the precinct will chase the player and will attempt to arrest him. If caught, the player is transported to the nearest police station (off-screen) and released a few hours later, it will cost the player 10% of his current account balance and the confiscation of all weapons and body armor. Being killed is typically cheaper than being busted when there is no hope of getting out of the situation, because while it will still cost the player 10% of his current balance and his body armor, the player will retain all weapons. The police can arrest the player by holding them at gunpoint, however, if the player is in a vehicle, the officer will open the door and will arrest him: if on foot, the player can resist arrest by running away and/or fighting back. However, this immediately escalates from one to a two-star wanted level (three if the player chooses to retaliate with a firearm) and causes the police to open fire, a risky endeavor at close range. As the player's wanted level increases, the police spends less energy trying to arrest the player and more trying to kill the player at all costs. As such, it is not likely to become arrested at a wanted level of two stars or higher, although the police will attempt vehicular arrests if the opportunity arises, such as if you remain stationary in a vehicle (no moving the vehicle) doing drive-bys to the police, one of them will approach the opportunity and arrest you.