| - File:Tranceunion.png A tranceunion (合理体トランスユニオン Toransuyunion) is a member that represents the fusion of a logicalist and a foreigner. They are denoted by the turquoise pointed octagon surrounding the card's level. During the main phase, through trance, a logicalist member can combine with a foreigner member to mobilize a tranceunion. During Trance, you choose one of your logicalists and one of your Foreigners on the field, overlap them, and search your hand and deck for a tranceunion member and place it on the field on top of them both. The cards under it become the tranceunion's soul (ソウル souru). While attacking, a tranceunion gets power+1000 for each card in its soul; this is indicated by a "(Soul) Power+1000" message in the lower-left of every logicalist and foreigner card. Whenever a tranceunion leaves the field, all the cards in its soul move with it. Most tranceunions have a Logic Drive ability: an ability marked with the File:Logic Drive.png icon. A tranceunion's Logic Drive ability can only be used if the tranceunion has soul under it, i.e. if it was mobilized through trance. Only one Logic Drive ability out of all of your members can be used per turn. Tranceunions do not need to be mobilized with Trance; they can be played from the hand normally just like any other member. However, you are required to have a card that shares a color or world with the tranceunion in your level zone. Also, if you play a tranceunion this way, it will have no cards in its soul, and thus its Logic Drive ability cannot be used.