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  • Clan
  • Clan
  • Clan
  • Clan
  • Clan
  • Clan
  • Clan
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  • Clans are a group of players formed by a leader and come with many benefits to each player in the clan. Such as daily taxes, tag names, Teamspeak address, depict company affiliation, and much more. Joining a Clan costs a fee of 1,500 Credits.
  • thumb Clan es un canal de televisión infantil perteneciente a TVE que emite series y dibujos animados a través de la Televisión digital terrestre y en plataformas como Movistar+, Vodafone TV y Orange TV.
  • Stara orcza Horda, krasnoludy oraz inne rasy są podzielone na wiele klanów. Definicja klanu jest szeroka i zalezy od interpretacji. Czasami ten termin jest używany zamiennie z terminem plemię. RPG opisuje klany murloków jako jednostkę większą niż ich plemiona.
  • A collection of families. * Often known by other names, such as Lineages of Agimori society. * In this wiki, used as the basic unit of the communities. * Best known clans are Heortlings
  • Clans are Sword of the New World's version of Guilds.
  • El Clan es una división territorial del Reino de Rotham, reconocida en la Constitución. En Rotham hay un total de nueve clanes, que, junto con la ciudad autónoma de Virtualopolis y algunas posesiones insulares -que no están sujetas a la división administrativa por depender directamente de la administración central-, comprenden la totalidad del territorio vikense. Los clanes fueron nombrados en base a especies de arboles o plantas de todo el mundo. En 2015 surge el proyecto para renombrar los clanes y darles nombres autóctonos vikenses en el lenguaje de la micronacion.
  • In Breath of Fire a clan is a group of people of the same race. Clan members tend to have the same overall appearance as well as similar abilities. It is usually easy to tell what clan a person is from due to how the clans each have attributes unique only to that clan. While these attributes tend to be physical, some clan's only unique attribute is their clan ability.
  • En regnum se pueden crear clanes, para crearlo necesitas 8 personas mayores a nivel 15 y 2 millones de oro. Para formarlo se debe meter a las 8 personas a un grupo y que uno hable con el notario de clan de la capital del reino y entregarle los 2millones de oro.
  • Image:Logopreview ao clan logo.png The Clan`s The primary goals of the clans are freedom and spiritual prosperity. The clans are opposed to what Omni-Tek stands for and fight to free Rubi-Ka from its oppressive rule. If you choose to fight for the clans, you will start in the rebel part of Rubi-Ka - on the dry side of the planet.
  • Was muss man alles machen um eine Gilde zu gründen.
  • A clan is a group of members united by kinship.
  • A clan in Darkfall is a group of generally like-minded players who have banded together, usually through the official clan system in game, to complete common goals, such as battling together, having strength in numbers, starting and keeping a city, role playing alike, as well as combinations of these and other goals.
  • thumb|Las banderas de los cuatro clanes con la bandera de la Iron Dominion en el centro.Los Clanes (también conocidos como casas) son un grupo de facciones rivales en el Dragon Kingdom of Mobius. Cada clan se limita a una especie en particular de Mobian y tiene una líder, a la que se conoce como Bride.
  • A clan is a syndicate of organised players who work together to achieve one or more goals as a group, which cannot otherwise be achieved (or as easily) by a single player. These goals vary from clan to clan, ranging from clan warring and skilling to creating a simple and enjoyable community or working together to make money. The number of players needed to create a clan is five, but it can consist of many more members. There are well over one hundred thousand clans in RuneScape - for every possible group activity, it is likely there will be a clan who specialises in it.
  • Clans are the core of the Rakion community. Making friends with people in game is a very fun and exciting part of the Rakion game play experience. Clans are one of the official community system that Rakion provides. If you have a Clan, there will be a site just for the Clan on the official Rakion Homepage. In this site, members can talk about the game and can see the statistics of their clan and other clans. Two Clans can have a Clan war as well.
  • Bezeichnung für einen Familienverband, der auf mehr oder weniger enger Verwandtschaft oder anderen Abhängigkeiten beruht. In den meisten Fällen berufen sich die Clanmitglieder auf die Abstammung von einem gemeinsamen (mitunter auch mystischen) Urahn. Allerdings werden angeheiratete Familienmitglieder meist ebenfalls in den Clan integriert. Die Abgrenzung vom Begriff der Sippe ist verschwommen. In letzterer wird aber die Abstammung in ungebrochener Linie meist noch stärker betont. Es gibt aber auch Gegenbeispiele, wo die Sippen eher die Rolle von Kasten spielen, was bei Clans eher selten vorkommt. Alle Clans innerhalb einer Gesellschaft sind - zumindest theoretisch - gleichberechtigt.
  • Clans sind eine optionale Auswahl in diesem Spiel, aber es wird dringend empfohlen, dass der Spieler einem Clan beitritt, denn die Zusammenarbeit ist ein sehr wichtiger Aspekt des Spiels.
  • The Dojo is only available to Clans, and provides a "home base" that can be utilized by any clan member. The Dojo also houses facilities necessary for Research and Trading.
  • A Clan is a group of up to 25 that share a private forum and ingame bunker in the Badlands. Clans also fight in the badlands, where they originated, as the Badlands Guard says.
  • Each clan must be aligned to either the Crimson Legion or the Cerulean Order faction. If players wish to join a clan belonging to the opposite faction, they would have to transfer their faction alignment (costs small fee and your faction rank). Players can search exisiting clans and submit an application via the Dragonspire. Clans are limited to 50 members from the start, but increasing Clan Levels will increase this.
  • "Clan" is a bootleg album released under the Slipknot Name. Clan, appears to be a mix of remixes, songs from "Crowz" and songs by other artists. All the songs by other artists on the album are of very low quality and its easy to tell Corey from the other vocalist. Remixes like "Wait And Bleed (Bloody Mess Mix) are of low quality, with simply the song ran through a "Phazer" while ones like "Wait And Bleed(Terry Date Remix)" are official remixes that appeared in Wait And Bleed [EP] and others.
  • There are two main classes of clans. The newer-class clans are based on the RuneScape clan forums, and commonly referred to as RSB clans (RuneScape Boards). The older-class clans pre-date Jagex's clan support features, and many had separate forums and websites. For multi-clan communication, these clans based themselves on the forums of popular fansites, and were referred to for whichever they advocated: main ones being RSC clans (Zybez/RuneScape Community), TIF clans (Rune Tips/Tip.It) and RHQ clans (RuneHQ).
  • A Clan is a group of players that fight other clans to gain respect in Call of Duty Online multiplayer. They can be anywhere from 2 players to 100. Clan are also featured on many other titles such via a tag on their name etc. Most Xbox 360 games have a simple way to make a clan, in fact for some it is mearly an add-on to the name of the player. Many clans make their own clan websites/forums for others to check out and to keep in touch with each other. Several clans also have accounts on Gamebattles. A complete list of clans and the game(s) they play can be found at List of Clans.
  • A clan is a group of players who have joined in a community where they can communicate and do missions as a team. This is an advantage because clan members usually have good communications using VoIP (such as Ventrilo, Teamspeak, and Xfire). Clans will work together using a variety classes and abilities to produce the best efficiency on a certain map. Clans can have organised matches or "scrims", usually hosted on a clan server.
  • Clans are a way for you to play together with your friends throughout your Metal Gear Online experience. Clans help you feel like you're not playing alone, but with close friends. In some cases it makes you feel like your a part of a brotherhood. You can keep everyone in the clan updated by using the clan notice.
  • You will need to collect clan points from Junon Clan Field or Luna Clan Field. Grade 3 and above can enter Eldeon Clan Field. As well as clan points, you will also be required to pay a sum of money. Grade 1: * 1,000,000 zulies Grade 2: * 1,000 clan points * 3,000,000 zulies (3 million zuiles) Grade 3: * 5,000 clan points * 10,000,000 Zulies (10m) Grade 4: * 25,000 clan points Grade 5: * 75,000 clan points Grade 6: * 250,000 clan points * 50,000,000 zulies (50 million zuiles)
  • A Clan or Aliit was a Paramilitary Family unit of Mandalorians consisting of the Alor or head of the Clan as Patriarch or Matriarch, Their Immediate and Extended Families. As Mandalorians Believed That Bloodline meant little many clans had very few members who were blood related to each other, but were Family all the same. This resulted in that few Mandalorian clans had lineages of same blood ,or even species in many cases.
  • You can only join a clan with a master of your race
  • Un clan es un grupo de jugadores que se ayudan entre sí. Si no se pertenece a ningún clan, sólo aparecerán dos pestañas en el menú clan: “afiliarse” y “empresa”. En la primera podrás buscar o crear un clan. atraves de momtar estaciones creditos y demas cosas Categoría:Clan Categoría:Pantalla Principal Categoría:Empresa
  • Clans are groupings of people used by the Aiel and the Atha'an Miere, much like the noble of the Westlands.
  • a Clan is a part of the cs2d community. A Clan is a group of players band together for a certain goal or for fun.
  • Clan is the Scunnish way of referring to a noble family. They have picked up the Maar Sulais habit of referring to foreign nobles as Clans even if a different nomenclature is used in that country. Many demons also refer to their families as clans.
  • Chercher "clan" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • Game-wise there are no benefits by joining a clan. You gain no extra XP, weapons or abilities of any kind. It's simply a measurement of the "power" of the clan. Clan points are calculated by summing levels of all clan members. The more points clan has, more powerful brutes are in on average.
  • A clan is an organisation of players that are allied with one another. When clans PK in the Wilderness, they will generally wear capes of the same colour.
  • Ein Clan ist ein Zusammenschluss aus Spielern die viel miteinander unternehmen, das können Minispiele und Kämpfe gegen NPCs/andere Clans aber auch andere Sachen wie Wettrennen oder Level-up-Partys machen Clans.
  • A clan or guild is a group of video game players that have banded together for a specific purpose. In the case of Toontown Online, toons may do this to increase their changes of success in boss battles or to have friends for doing activities. Most clans have one or more leaders to lead the clan. Also, most of them have a schedule of events.
  • Clan is the term by which the Neanderthals describe themselves in the Earth's Children series. "Clan" can also describe the smaller tribe that they live with which is usually named after the leader. For example, Ayla is adopted into Brun's clan.
  • Een clan is een groep spelers die samen hetzelfde spel spelen en samen activiteiten doen. Ze bestaan uit Rank's. De leiders organiseren de events en zorgen dat iedereen op de hoogte geraakt. De meeste clans hebben hun eigen site of forum. Categorie:Basiswoorden
  • There were four clans in total, each battling during the Clan Wars. In 3237, the leader of the Yagyu Clan was slain by the Bride of Four Houses, who took the clan as her own. Following this, Regina spread rumours to each of the clans that the other ones had joined the Iron Dominion, and used the Yagyu to randomly support the clans in various battles between them, thus convincing them this was true. Subsequently, the three remaining brides, fearing their clans would be overrun, swore allegiance to the Iron Dominion. However, due to a variety of reasons, each clan was eventually convinced to break ties to the Dominion, leaving it far less powerful.
  • Certains clans existent dans le jeu. Ces clans regroupent une ou plusieurs espèce(s) de monstre(s). Ils dépendent également du continent ou de la région dans lesquelles les monstres se trouvent.
  • The Clans were the familial and political organizations of Bothan society that comprised the Bothan Council. During the New Republic era, the Clans were collectively known as the Combined Clans. One could tell a Bothan's Clan by the suffix in their name. The "Lon" in Tereb Ab'Lon for instance denoted he was either from the Ilon or Alon Clan. A Bothan without such a suffix was usually considered a dishonored outcast. By the year 3 ABY, the Bothan Council was composed of 608 registered Clans, with 53 new Clans petitioning for legal status.
  • Clans refer to a group of people who work together to drive away fiends and monsters known as marks from civilized areas. Entry to a clan is not publicly known; usually members of the clan would scout out potential clan members who proved their worth by defeating a mark - this happened to Vaan when Tomaj sent him to hunt the Rogue Tomato. A clan's meeting location is also made secret; clan watchmen would stay guard outside their base, permitting entry only to those with a Clan Primer. One of the famous clans in Rabanastre is Clan Centurio.
  • Eine Auflistung aller Gruppierungen die den Clanern angehören findet ihr hier: * Eco Warriors * Gaia * The Knights of Avalon * New Dawn * The Pilgrims * The Sentinels * Terra Firma * The Unionists * Vanguard
  • Clan is a term which refers to a group of people serving under the same name. What differs a clan from a guild is that a clan is not necessarily military - the ties between clanmates are more like those between family members, at times, than those between comrades of a war. Sometimes, clanmates genuinely are related to each other, especially in the case of Dwarven clans. Organisations of a Dwarven or Orcish nature tend to be the ones that are most likely to adopt the title of Clan.
  • The old orcish Horde, dwarves, and other races are separated into many clans. What defines a clan, and how one is started, is largely up to interpretation. The term clan is sometimes used interchangeably with the term tribe. The RPG describes the organization of murloc clans as being larger than murloc tribes.
  • Clans sind Spielergruppierungen, die sich zusammenschließen, um sich einfach und besser in den Weiten des Orbits zu behaupten. Beispielsweise helfen sich Clan-Mitglieder oft beim Lösen von Quests, spielen zusammen das Hades Gate oder zahlen Anfängern Credits aus für ihre erste Ausrüstung. Darüber hinaus legt sich keiner gerne mit einem Clanmitglied an; denn anschließend hat er unter Umständen eine ganze Flotte von Schiffen gegen sich. Man kann entweder einen eigenen Clan gründen, oder sich bei einem anderen Clan bewerben und diesem beitreten.
  • The Clans are the other major faction of the Battletech universe and for the most part they reside in a separate area of space well outside the Inner Sphere. If you're new to BattleTech, little more backtracking will be necessary to understand how they fit in... Being warriors they tended to admire and identify with the dominant predators on these worlds and adopted their names and images to identify their groups...even modelling their cultures on the creatures' characterstics...and thus the Clans were founded.
  • Een Clan (kan ook als team worden aangeduid) is een groep spelers die samen een team vormen. Een speler in een Clan kan iemand uitnodigen (hiervoor heeft diegene toestemming nodig mensen te rekruteren van de leader) en deze kan dat natuurlijk accepteren of weigeren. In het Clan camp (ten zuiden van Falador) kun je dan een Clan cloak en vexillum halen, deze zijn te halen bij Captain of the Guard en the Scribe, ook kun je bij Sergeant-At-Arms een badge halen voor clan wars. Met een Clan kun je de mini game Clan wars spelen waarbij je tegen een andere Clan kan strijden.
  • A clan or a guild is a united group or syndicate of players who may choose to participate in player killing, training skills, boss killing, participating in minigames, holding events, or simply have meetings with one another. Clans often have allies and enemies. Some clans are roughly constructed, participating only in a single task, such as player killing or a single minigame. Other clans have strict codes and rules, setting down punishments for breaking these rules. They are completely unofficial, and Jagex does not support them in any way, unlike in other MMORPGs where clans may be part of the game.
  • Clans nennen sich die vier Gruppen, in denen Katzen innerhalb der Welt der Warrior Cats-Reihe in einem Gebiet, Territorium genannt, nach den bestimmten Regeln, dem Gesetz der Krieger, zusammenleben. Um das Zusammenleben im Clan zu verbessern, ist die Struktur eines Clans hierarchisch in neun Rängen aufgebaut. Die Clan-Katzen sind entweder im DonnerClan, SchattenClan, FlussClan oder WindClan geboren. Der WolkenClan, der fünfte Clan, ist gezwungen gewesen, ihr Territorium zu verlassen, als es zerstört worden ist.
  • Clans of WoTMUD are groups of players with shared common goals. Most clans on Light Side are the justice entities of their respective nations, such as the Andoran Lion Wardens, the Tairen Defenders of the Stone, the Amadoran Children of the Light, and the Shienaran Lancers. Other Light Side clans exist because of their shared RP purpose, including the Dragonsworn, the White Tower, the Gleemen, the Illuminators, and the Wisdoms, but are not the justice entity of a nation.
  • คือกลุ่มของผู้เล่นที่มีผลประโยชน์ร่วมกัน โดยเกมRunescapeนั้นเปิดโอกาสให้ผู้เล่นทุกคนสามารถตั้งClanได้ โดยไม่จำกัดสถานะ ซึ่งClanนั้นมีหลายประเภทดังนี้ 1.Merchant Clan เป็นClan ที่ส่งผลกะทบโดยตรงต่อเศรษฐกิจของเกมRunescapeมากที่สุด โดยClanพวกนี้จะทำราคาสินค้าใน Grand Exchange ปั่นป่วน และส่งSpamไปให้ผู้เล่นเพื่อให้เข้าร่วมClan หากClanพวกนี้ส่งสแปมมา ให้เพิ่มรายชื่อไปในIgnore List 2.Skilling Clan คือ Clanที่เน้นการTrain Skillร่วมกัน 3.PKing Clan คือ Clanที่มีพวกบ้าเลือด รักการฆ่าผู้เล่นเป็นชีวิตจิตใจมาอยู่รวมกัน โดยมักไปPKกันในBH Worldและ PVP World 4.Warring Clan คือ Clanที่ชอบทำสงคราม Clan War เป็นชีวิตจิตใจ โดยสมาชิกในClanพวกนี้ล้วนบ้าเลือดทั้งสิ้น 5.Country Clan คือ Clanที่รับเฉพาะสมาชิกที่อยู่ในประเทศเดียวกัน หรือมีเชื้อชาติเดียวกัน ของไทยคือ RS TH 6.Talking Clan คือ Clanที่เปิดClan chat เ
  • A clan is a group of players. Some clans are purely social and just chat in their Clan Chat while others have regular events. These players may choose to participate in activities, within or outside of a game, with one another. Clans are made up of members, some clans have a rigid leadership and ranking system; others are more relaxed about ranking. There are many clans, each with different leadership, events, rules, members and structures.
  • In the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness there are no large forms of goverment. Instead people are organised into Clans. Each Clan is named after a specific living creature, the clan guardian, who often has to do with the area in which they live. For example, you have the Seal Clan, who live by the ocean, and the Red Deer Clan, who live in the Deep Forest. It is possible to change clan. The soul-eater Seshru was originally from the Raven Clan but changed her clan soul to the Viper Clan. There are many different groups of Clans, named after the area they live in.
  • Starting a clan is a serious matter, as managing and marketing one's own clan can be difficult. One should note that this is just a game and not be taken too seriously. When starting a clan, it will cost 5,000 Game Points (GP). The clan is then open to 25 members, as well as 2 free lieutenant (LT) spaces. More member and LT spots can be bought within the in-game mall, up to 100 clan members and as many LT's as one would like.
  • Clan is a meeting place where you can fight together, or challenge another clan group. While you on a clan, other people can find you, and see when you online. Now days clan are very popular, almost everyone have a clan they fight for. Some people are loyal to their clan and win clan war to it, some are not and just play to the points fall down. Those people who have a clan have 3 big letters front of their name, Ex. [EXA]Exampleguy45 There are 3 Ranks in clans. They are: Leader, Moderator, Member Moderator - Can invite people. Member - No ability, just join Clan wars
  • [[Archivo:Tapiz_Clanes.png|thumb|Símbolos de Clanes durante la época de guerras.]] Un Clan (一族, Ichizoku. que literalmente significa "Familia") en el sentido más amplio del término, se refiere a una familia o un grupo de ninjas que forman una unidad básica de una aldea ninja. La mayoría de estos clanes se sabe que comenzó como mercenarios o fuerzas militares, incluso antes de la Primera Gran Guerra Mundial Shinobi. El Clan Senju y el Clan Uchiha fueron los primeros clanes conocidos por haber accedido a asentarse y formar una aldea ninja, conocida como Konohagakure. Muchos clanes siguieron el ejemplo de los Senju y los Uchiha, más adelante, se establecieron y crearon las Cinco Grandes Naciones Shinobi como se les conoce hoy en día.
  • [[Archivo:Tapiz_Clanes.png|thumb|Símbolos de Clanes durante la época de guerras.]] Un Clan (一族, Ichizoku. que literalmente significa "Familia") en el sentido más amplio del término, se refiere a una familia o un grupo de ninjas que forman una unidad básica de una aldea ninja. La mayoría de estos clanes se sabe que comenzó como mercenarios o fuerzas militares, incluso antes de la Primera Gran Guerra Mundial Shinobi. El Clan Senju y el Clan Uchiha fueron los primeros clanes conocidos por haber accedido a asentarse y formar una aldea ninja, conocida como Konohagakure. Muchos clanes siguieron el ejemplo de los Senju y los Uchiha, más adelante, se establecieron y crearon las Cinco Grandes Naciones Shinobi como se les conoce hoy en día.
  • A clan was a group of people bound together by (factual or perceived) common kinship and descent. Zobral's species was divided into clans, additionally separated by a caste system, during the 22nd century. By 2152 the castes had been abolished, but the Torothan clan still controlled the government and "everything else", while Zobral's clan fought against their dominance. (ENT: "Desert Crossing") Under the Andorian Ushaan code, a combatant could postpone the duel indefinitely if he had no children to continue his clan. However, this rule only applied if he was married. (ENT: "United")
  • Predator clans are usually lead by Elders. While sometimes clans have been said to be lead by female Predators, as well. Other Clans have had rumors of possible royalty in the Clan. Documented Predator clans have been known to operate differently at times. As for some clan rules, sometimes, one Predator is left on a planet to hunt either to become a Blooded Warrior or to bring back trophies. Other times, a group of three Young Bloods are left to participate in initiation Hunts and come back as Blooded Warriors, if they survive.
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