Admit that House Martell would like to see King Robert lose his crown.
While the king hunts, Lancel approaches Kirth. "I know your ties to House [Targaryen/Martell]. We have a common interest. We want to see King Robert dethroned."
Express your interest to see a worthy man--or woman--wear the crown.
"It's no secret House Martell wants to usher a Targaryen onto the throne. I have another king in mind, but our aims are equal--unless I've misspoken?"
Promise to hear Lancel out, but don't trust the Lannister for a second.
Press Lancel to reveal why he wants to remove Robert from the Iron Throne.
Feign innocence and ask why Lancel thinks you'd want to dethrone Robert Baratheon.
Lancel smiles wickedly. "I can think of a thousand more fitting men to rule the Seven Kingdoms than Robert Baratheon, especially his heir, Joffrey."