This item can be purchased for 5File:Silver.png from:
* Farmer Saldean in Westfall
* Kazan Mogosh in Dun Morogh
* Innkeeper Belm in Dun Morogh
* Mike Miller in Westfall
* Innkeeper Anderson in Hillsbrad Foothills
* Neema in Hillsbrad Foothills
* Nixxrax Fillamug in Stranglethorn Vale
* Fyr Mistrunner in Mulgore
* Gretchen Vogel in Redridge Mountains
* Greishan Ironstove in Loch Modan
* Moorane Hearthgrain in The Barrens
* Thomas Miller in Stormwind City
* Bernie Heisten in Blasted Lands
* Laer Stepperunner in Thousand Needles
* Gruna in Burning Steppes
* Moodan Sungrain in Mulgore
* Jhawna Oatwind in Mulgore
* Kira Songshine in Elwynn Forest
* Honni Goldenoat in Loch Modan
* Nantar in Ashenvale
Attributes | Values |
| - Moist Cornbread
- Moist Cornbread
| - This item can be purchased for 5File:Silver.png from:
* Farmer Saldean in Westfall
* Kazan Mogosh in Dun Morogh
* Innkeeper Belm in Dun Morogh
* Mike Miller in Westfall
* Innkeeper Anderson in Hillsbrad Foothills
* Neema in Hillsbrad Foothills
* Nixxrax Fillamug in Stranglethorn Vale
* Fyr Mistrunner in Mulgore
* Gretchen Vogel in Redridge Mountains
* Greishan Ironstove in Loch Modan
* Moorane Hearthgrain in The Barrens
* Thomas Miller in Stormwind City
* Bernie Heisten in Blasted Lands
* Laer Stepperunner in Thousand Needles
* Gruna in Burning Steppes
* Moodan Sungrain in Mulgore
* Jhawna Oatwind in Mulgore
* Kira Songshine in Elwynn Forest
* Honni Goldenoat in Loch Modan
* Nantar in Ashenvale
- Ten przedmiot jest sprzedawany za 5 Grafika:Silver.png przez:
* w Westfall
* w Dun Morogh
* w Dun Morogh
* w Westfall
* w Hillsbrad Foothills
* w Hillsbrad Foothills
* w Stranglethorn Vale
* w Mulgore
* w Redridge Mountains
* w Loch Modan
* w The Barrens
* w Stormwind City
* w Blasted Lands
* w Thousand Needles
* w Burning Steppes
* w Mulgore
* w Mulgore
* w Elwynn Forest
* w Loch Modan
* w Ashenvale
* w Darkshore
* w Alterac Valley
* w Teldrassil
* w Dustwallow Marsh
* w Dustwallow Marsh
* w Dun Morogh
* w Redridge Mountains
* w Dustwallow Marsh
* w Loch Modan
* w Teldrassil
* w Darkshore
* w Stormwind City
* w Mulgore
* w
| |
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| - Użyj: Otrzymasz 552 punkty życia przez 24 sec. Musisz siedzieć gdy jesz.
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| - Ten przedmiot jest sprzedawany za 5 Grafika:Silver.png przez:
* w Westfall
* w Dun Morogh
* w Dun Morogh
* w Westfall
* w Hillsbrad Foothills
* w Hillsbrad Foothills
* w Stranglethorn Vale
* w Mulgore
* w Redridge Mountains
* w Loch Modan
* w The Barrens
* w Stormwind City
* w Blasted Lands
* w Thousand Needles
* w Burning Steppes
* w Mulgore
* w Mulgore
* w Elwynn Forest
* w Loch Modan
* w Ashenvale
* w Darkshore
* w Alterac Valley
* w Teldrassil
* w Dustwallow Marsh
* w Dustwallow Marsh
* w Dun Morogh
* w Redridge Mountains
* w Dustwallow Marsh
* w Loch Modan
* w Teldrassil
* w Darkshore
* w Stormwind City
* w Mulgore
* w Stranglethorn Vale
* w Feralas
* w The Hinterlands
* w Feralas
* w Feralas
* w The Barrens
* w Alterac Valley
* w Desolace
* w Western Plaguelands
* w Eversong Woods
* w Eastern Plaguelands
* w Stonetalon Mountains
* w The Exodar
* w Silvermoon City Jest nagrodą za A|link=Alliance [24] An Aggressive Defenseω τ ϖ Może być zebrany z 18-31 poziomowych Humanoidów Image:Wowhead.png Wowhead Grafika:Icon-mmochampion-22x22.png WowDB
- This item can be purchased for 5File:Silver.png from:
* Farmer Saldean in Westfall
* Kazan Mogosh in Dun Morogh
* Innkeeper Belm in Dun Morogh
* Mike Miller in Westfall
* Innkeeper Anderson in Hillsbrad Foothills
* Neema in Hillsbrad Foothills
* Nixxrax Fillamug in Stranglethorn Vale
* Fyr Mistrunner in Mulgore
* Gretchen Vogel in Redridge Mountains
* Greishan Ironstove in Loch Modan
* Moorane Hearthgrain in The Barrens
* Thomas Miller in Stormwind City
* Bernie Heisten in Blasted Lands
* Laer Stepperunner in Thousand Needles
* Gruna in Burning Steppes
* Moodan Sungrain in Mulgore
* Jhawna Oatwind in Mulgore
* Kira Songshine in Elwynn Forest
* Honni Goldenoat in Loch Modan
* Nantar in Ashenvale
* Kyndri in Darkshore
* Brogus Thunderbrew in Alterac Valley
* Danlyia in Teldrassil
* Dwane Wertle in Dustwallow Marsh
* Craig Nollward in Dustwallow Marsh
* Myra Tyrngaarde in Dun Morogh
* Bartender Wental in Redridge Mountains
* Innkeeper Janene in Dustwallow Marsh
* Innkeeper Hearthstove in Loch Modan
* Innkeeper Keldamyr in Teldrassil
* Innkeeper Shaussiy in Darkshore
* Innkeeper Allison in Stormwind City
* Innkeeper Kauth in Mulgore
* Nargatt in Stranglethorn Vale
* Innkeeper Greul in Feralas
* Innkeeper Thulfram in The Hinterlands
* Mardrack Greenwell in Feralas
* Loorana in Feralas
* Tarban Hearthgrain in The Barrens
* Shrye Ragefist in Alterac Valley
* Innkeeper Lyshaerya in Desolace
* Baker Masterson in Western Plaguelands
* Innkeeper Delaniel in Eversong Woods
* Jessica Chambers in Eastern Plaguelands
* Innkeeper Faralia in Stonetalon Mountains
* Caregiver Breel in The Exodar
* Innkeeper Jovia in Silvermoon City This item can be looted from most level 18-31 Humanoid monsters. This item is a quest reward from File:Alliance 15.png [24] An Aggressive Defenseω τ ϖ.