| - News First Mezlagob was a media corporation in the Tetrarchy of Mezlagob and later in the Golden Empire. Based on Mezlagob itself, NFM was often a mouthpiece for the Tetrarchs during the Tetrarchy's reign. After the Great Liberation, however, it threw off the Tetrarchy's influence much faster than many other Mezzel institutions, readily embracing the (comparatively) free press which accompanied the Empire's new administration. Though this was motivated less by cherishing personal freedoms than by the potential profits to be gained by advertisers seeking to reach the entire Empire, NFM became a major media source in the Empire. In addition to reporting, NFM also carried regular debates and discussions among political pundits, as well as societal interest pieces. It maintained a small corps of "royal watchers", whose sole job was to report on the doings of the Royal Family. NFM had offices in every sector, and the channel ran specialty programs for each simultaneously, which beings could select on their Royal HoloNet receivers; a being on Dolomir could watch the sector-specific news from the Romasi of Kelltae sectors instead of that from the Mezlag sector if it so chose. NFM also pioneered translation services in individual sectors. Broadcasts were always in Orhyo, but were available subtitled in Basic, and Minnisiat throughout the Empire. Iscali and Cheunh were also popular languages, and NFM worked diligently to provide translations for all member worlds of the Empire, often using a staff of translator droids. During the Tetrarchy's reign, NFM operated on Mezlagob's own twenty-three-hour schedule. After some debate, it moved up to twenty-four hours under the Empire's rule to keep up with Empire's official time system.