| - El número (941) es el número natural que sigue al 940 y precede al 942. Categoría:Números
- Jeb drugs Carolyn and prepares to carry her to the Chosen Room. Quentin shows up and stops Jeb. A fight ensues. Quentin gets the upper hand and knocks Jeb out with a glass bottle. Barnabas and Elizabeth are talking at Collinwood. Elizabeth is upset that she has been left out of recent Leviathan activities, and still has not met Jeb. She accuses Barnabas of losing faith in the Leviathans, but before she can continue Quentin walks in with Carolyn in his arms, who is still blacked out. Meanwhile, Jeb regains consciousness and trashes the antique shop.
- Jenny und Axel werden zu Simones und Maximilians Ärger bei der Belegschaft immer beliebter. Intern haben Jenny und Axel hingegen durchaus Spannungen, weil Jenny noch Gefühle für Marian hat und Axel eifersüchtig ist. Und so bekommt Maximilian unerwartet die Möglichkeit, einen Keil zwischen die beiden zu treiben. Roman genießt es, mit Marc zu schlafen, obwohl er wegen Deniz Schuldgefühle hat. Er versucht, diese zu verdrängen und das Zusammensein mit Marc zu genießen. Marc stellt jedoch klar, dass ihm eine heimliche Affäre nicht reicht. Roman muss sich zwischen Deniz und ihm entscheiden. Ben ahnt nicht, dass Isabelle glaubt, Ben wolle ihr zum Geburtstag einen Antrag machen. Katja erfährt dagegen von Isabelles Hoffnung und ist schockiert. Doch Isabelle erlebt eine Enttäuschung: Statt des erhof
| - Jeb drugs Carolyn and prepares to carry her to the Chosen Room. Quentin shows up and stops Jeb. A fight ensues. Quentin gets the upper hand and knocks Jeb out with a glass bottle. Barnabas and Elizabeth are talking at Collinwood. Elizabeth is upset that she has been left out of recent Leviathan activities, and still has not met Jeb. She accuses Barnabas of losing faith in the Leviathans, but before she can continue Quentin walks in with Carolyn in his arms, who is still blacked out. Meanwhile, Jeb regains consciousness and trashes the antique shop. At Collinwood, Barnabas, Quentin, and Elizabeth discuss what to do about Carolyn. Barnabas tells Elizabeth that Carolyn only fainted while at the antique shop. Elizabeth is suspicious about Quentin being at Collinwood, since she is so used to thinking about Quentin haunting Collinwood previously. While gazing out the window, Elizabeth thinks she sees someone standing at the edge of the woods (it's Jeb), but when Quentin looks there is no one there. Later, Barnabas tells Elizabeth that he had Julia inspect Carolyn, and Julia feels that Carolyn's mental health is suffering, mostly because of Paul's death, and she needs to get out of Collinwood for her own well-being. Elizabeth tells Barnabas she thinks Carolyn should be turned into a Leviathan. Barnabas says she isn't ready to become a Leviathan just yet, and must regain her strength. Elizabeth agrees that Carolyn should be taken away, and Barnabas tells her he has already made arrangements for her to leave later that night. Jeb is still lurking in the woods outside of Collinwood. He hears footsteps approaching. It's Quentin, but Jeb lets him walk by. Shortly thereafter, another sound of footsteps is heard. This time it's Maggie, and Jeb steps out in front of her. Maggie tries to run away from Jeb, but he won't let her leave just yet. At Collinwood, Elizabeth and Carolyn are ready to leave. Carolyn says she was at the antique shop with Jeb, and can't remember what happened after that, which contradicts the story Barnabas told her earlier. But Elizabeth has no time to talk about it, and Barnabas quickly ushers them out of the house. Jeb returns to the antique shop, alone, and begins cleaning up the mess from the fight earlier in the evening. Barnabas walks in, demanding to know where Maggie is, but Jeb denies knowing anything. He mocks Barnabas for liking Maggie. Barnabas says he is going to search for Maggie, and if he discovers Jeb had anything to do with her disappearance, he will call upon Oberon to discipline him. Meanwhile at the cemetery, Maggie is lying unconscious in a crypt.
- Jenny und Axel werden zu Simones und Maximilians Ärger bei der Belegschaft immer beliebter. Intern haben Jenny und Axel hingegen durchaus Spannungen, weil Jenny noch Gefühle für Marian hat und Axel eifersüchtig ist. Und so bekommt Maximilian unerwartet die Möglichkeit, einen Keil zwischen die beiden zu treiben. Roman genießt es, mit Marc zu schlafen, obwohl er wegen Deniz Schuldgefühle hat. Er versucht, diese zu verdrängen und das Zusammensein mit Marc zu genießen. Marc stellt jedoch klar, dass ihm eine heimliche Affäre nicht reicht. Roman muss sich zwischen Deniz und ihm entscheiden. Ben ahnt nicht, dass Isabelle glaubt, Ben wolle ihr zum Geburtstag einen Antrag machen. Katja erfährt dagegen von Isabelles Hoffnung und ist schockiert. Doch Isabelle erlebt eine Enttäuschung: Statt des erhofften Verlobungsrings schenkt Ben ihr 'nur' ein Paar Ohrringe. Ben fragt sich, warum Isabelle so verhalten reagiert, bis Katja ihn aufklärt.
- El número (941) es el número natural que sigue al 940 y precede al 942. Categoría:Números