| - As an Attack/Vitality-based Sacrier you count on Sacrier's Foot and Forced Punishment. Do NOT add your characteristic points on Strength, up it with equipment rings and things like that, remember, put your characteristic points only into Vitality, and you will be able to kill everything a lot more easily.
* Lvl 11 - Lvl 5 Sacrier's Foot
* Lvl 17 - Lvl 4 Forced Punishment Now you have to take your decisions, to play with parties, boost party spells (Life transfer, Attraction ect.), to play alone put your forced punishment at lvl 5) ,
| - As an Attack/Vitality-based Sacrier you count on Sacrier's Foot and Forced Punishment. Do NOT add your characteristic points on Strength, up it with equipment rings and things like that, remember, put your characteristic points only into Vitality, and you will be able to kill everything a lot more easily. When you begin the game you may want to go to Incarnam as it is good experience for the first few levels. If you do, choose to train on the lower level monsters until you're at least level 5 or when you are bored. If you choose not to train on Incarnam then train on white/black Gobballs until you are at least level 3. Since you are about level 3 or so, add all your characteristic points on to vitality and all your spell points on Sacrier's Foot. At level 3 you can pretty much kill Gobballs, get Young Adventurer Set as this adds to Strength, Wisdom and HP quite well. When you reach level 11, you should have level 5 Sacrier's Foot and you should level Forced Punishment. Now train on Low Level groups of Boars until you are around level 15~20,. Now you should take on partys of Evil Danelions in Astrub forest, or Boars, although this can easily be done much earlier.
* Lvl 11 - Lvl 5 Sacrier's Foot
* Lvl 17 - Lvl 4 Forced Punishment Now you have to take your decisions, to play with parties, boost party spells (Life transfer, Attraction ect.), to play alone put your forced punishment at lvl 5) ,
* Don't ever fight tofus at any level unless you have a high ranged buddy fighting wih you. They are deadly for strength sacriers who depend on close combat(Sacrier's Foot).
* NOTE: this only applies to people that don't know how to move away once in a while. Strategy is the key to victory. You have lots of HP, make use of it, take some hits to lure them in.
* If you do fight tofus, try and stay at least 8 squares away from them so they move up and can't move away, next turn, you can easily kill them.
* This has to be obsolete with the Sac revamp. With a few levels of Attraction, tofus are mostly just fun. Dodge-locking Black Tofus and Tofukazas in the Tofu Dungeon is great sport in your late teens and can be done solo. You probably can't dodge lock a regular Tofu because they die too fast.
* Solo Wild Sunflower to get easy xp once Sacrier's Foot can be done 2x a turn.