| - Cristo Rey New York High School is a Jesuit high school located in the United States of America in New York City. It was founded in 2004. A few interesting facts about Cristo Rey New York High School: All students who reach 12th grade will graduate. All graduating students will be admitted to several colleges. Also, it is a requirement that students take four years of Spanish and four years of English literature. Cristo Rey High School seeks to provide a quality education for economically disadvantaged high school students of all faiths through its core curriculum, dual language instruction and corporate work-study program. This school ministry is endorsed by the American Province of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, the Long Island New England Province of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and the New York Province of the Society of Jesus. Cristo Rey, in a spirit of collaboration with these groups, strives to foster the human and intellectual potential, as well as the cultural heritage, of all members of the school community. Our final measurement will be not only “what has the student learned?” but also, “how, where and for whose sake has she or he chosen to invest that learning?” If we succeed, our graduates will become leaders in service, working alongside others to transform our city into a place where all can live with dignity and peace. In January 2008, Loyola Press will release a book titled More than A Dream: How One School's Vision is Changing the World. The book, authored by G.R. Kearney, a writer and former volunteer teacher at Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in Chicago, documents the unlikely development of the Cristo Rey model and its remarkable success throughout the United States.