| - Glanhir (S. "Between the Streams") was a town of Lamedon, situated at the confluence of the Morthond and Ringló rivers, thirty miles from Edhellond and the sea. Because of its location, Glanhir functioned as the principal economic gateway to eastern Anfalas, the Blackroot Vale, and the Vale of Lamedon. Glanhir first received-township status on Tarannon Falastur's ascent to the throne in T.A. 830, but it had existed as an important settlement for at least a hundred years prior to the incorporation of Anfalas into Gondor. The later records of the town's charter indicated that it was originally founded by Danan Lin and mixed-blooded Dúnedain, who had withdrawn inland from Lond Galen to escape political marginalization by the pure-blooded elite of that colony.
| - Glanhir (S. "Between the Streams") was a town of Lamedon, situated at the confluence of the Morthond and Ringló rivers, thirty miles from Edhellond and the sea. Because of its location, Glanhir functioned as the principal economic gateway to eastern Anfalas, the Blackroot Vale, and the Vale of Lamedon. Glanhir first received-township status on Tarannon Falastur's ascent to the throne in T.A. 830, but it had existed as an important settlement for at least a hundred years prior to the incorporation of Anfalas into Gondor. The later records of the town's charter indicated that it was originally founded by Danan Lin and mixed-blooded Dúnedain, who had withdrawn inland from Lond Galen to escape political marginalization by the pure-blooded elite of that colony. As the settlement of the Dúnedain penetrated further and further inland into Lamedon and Morthond, Glanhir began to realize its mercantile potential, especially with regard to the transportation of grain to Anfalas and the inland movement of finished goods from Lond Ernil northwards. Because Glanhir's commercial prosperity remained firmly rooted to the economy of Belfalas and Anfalas, the town's inhabitants were not motivated to take part in the Kin-strife (though the fact that Glanhir fell within the confederate-ruled provincial jurisdiction of Lamedon meant that the town would not necessarily side with the rebels), neither was Glanhir greatly affected by the subsequent depredations of the Corsairs, who generally avoided the Morthond estuary due out of deference to or fear of the Elves at Edhellond.Glanhir provided the safest haven in the west of Gondor, with nothing of note beyond until Tharbad and the Elf-cities of Lindon. Because of its geographical proximity to Dol Amroth, Glanhir was joined to Dor-en-Ernil alter T.A. 2050 (despite its previous history as part of Lamedon). In recognition of the town's long-standing autonomy, the prince never granted Glanhir to any of his knights, but instead held it under the same kind of protection accorded to his own hereditary possessions. During this latter part of the Third Age, much of Glanhir's mercantile character withered away, as trade shrank to the local level only. Nevertheless, Glanhir remained an important market town for the surrounding countrywide. Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth freely relinquished his jurisdiction over Glanhir in F.A 3, restoring its township status.