| - Nar Shaddaa; Jekk'Jekk Tarr
* Saduj let the clean smells of Ryloth visit her nose. It felt great to be in an area completely devoid of humans, Jedi or not. The Jekk'Jekk Tarr was a wonderful place to lose one's self in.
* The door to her purchased suite opened and the form of a tall, male Reaver appeared. He made no move towards her, but she felt him sense her in the Force, or the Kratz, as the Reavers referred to it as.
* The giant meandered next to her seat and sat down next to her. Careful to pay attention to her lightsaber.
* "You needn't worry about that, friend," said Saduj. "Unless you decide to double cross me," she added slyly.
* "And you should not have a fear of my lightwhip, as you call it," said the mystery being.
* "Now that we are understood--to busines
| - Nar Shaddaa; Jekk'Jekk Tarr
* Saduj let the clean smells of Ryloth visit her nose. It felt great to be in an area completely devoid of humans, Jedi or not. The Jekk'Jekk Tarr was a wonderful place to lose one's self in.
* The door to her purchased suite opened and the form of a tall, male Reaver appeared. He made no move towards her, but she felt him sense her in the Force, or the Kratz, as the Reavers referred to it as.
* The giant meandered next to her seat and sat down next to her. Careful to pay attention to her lightsaber.
* "You needn't worry about that, friend," said Saduj. "Unless you decide to double cross me," she added slyly.
* "And you should not have a fear of my lightwhip, as you call it," said the mystery being.
* "Now that we are understood--to business."
* "You have information for us," said the Reaver. "Tell me, or lose our patience concerning Ryloth's placement near the invasion force."
* "Straight to the point. I like that in a man, but don't get any ideas."
* "I was not thinking of such things. They are for the infantile."
* "Well, you see, the owners of this and the surrounding systems, have made a secret pact with the Republic. They are to petition you for their safety in the coming conflict, and therefore, begin to spy on you with visiting delegates. That is the Hutt's way, and they have the Republic enthralled with it. You should be careful when dealing with the Hutts, mister?"
* "You may call me Revan Ceritops, Grand General of the Reavers. Very well. I will relay this to my master and Ryloth will be spared, barring any attempt on your part to double cross me."
* "I would never think of it. Good day, Grand General."
* "Oh, one more thing. There is a delegation to go to the living planet Zonama Sekot."
* "Living planet!" said a surprised Revan. "Such things have been speculated, but a real one?"
* "Yes, a living planet. And a powerful, living planet for that matter. It could easily destroy you. I'd suggest its destruction as a top priority."
* "You do not make any more suggestions for us. But a bargain is a bargain. We will act."