Um bestimmte Charaktere zu erschaffen oder um an deinen eigenen beizutragen, besuche bitte die Charaktererschaffungsseite thumb|300px|Page from "You're S.P.E.C.I.A.L!"In Fallout 3, the creation and development of a character is under a player's control. The decisions made at character creation and at level-ups, as well as the gameplay choices made during the game, contribute to the specific character build.
Um bestimmte Charaktere zu erschaffen oder um an deinen eigenen beizutragen, besuche bitte die Charaktererschaffungsseite thumb|300px|Page from "You're S.P.E.C.I.A.L!"In Fallout 3, the creation and development of a character is under a player's control. The decisions made at character creation and at level-ups, as well as the gameplay choices made during the game, contribute to the specific character build.