| - Plants built in 1948 year based Mechanical Plant in Starachowice established in 1920 year, production in the period between cannons and a framework for automobiles manufactured by the company Lilpop, Rau and Lōwestein in Warsaw, received the name of the factory Trucks them. Feliks Dzerzhinsky and ranged in Starachowice . There were manufactured trucks brand " Star . " In 1991 , establishments have been transformed into a company called Plant Starachowicki STAR SA . In the mid-90s control of the company took over the company "principle Sobiesław Center SA. It tried without success to create a Polish company specializing in the production of utility vehicles. Later the company was split into two companies - STAR Trucks Sp. and "Invest STAR SA At the end of 1999 , the main shareholder of the company "STAR TRUCKS" was the German group MAN AG . After taking over for a few years old factory "Star" produce more trucks. First, its own design, then models with a large share of the group MAN , such as cab drivers and motors. On 1 August 2003 year there was a merger of MAN STAR Trucks Sp. z oo "and" MAN Bus Poland Sp. z oo. " In this way the company was founded MAN STAR Trucks & busses Sp. with its seat in Sady near Poznan . In the same year in Starachowice started the production frames and chassis components for the bus plant in Sady and Salzgitter. In 2004 , the plant in Starachowice was ISO 9001-2000 certified. The level of production of trucks continues to fall, reaching the final period of a few hundred units per year, so in 2004 it was transferred to establishments MAN in Austria in Steyr (former Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG ). The Starachowice remained only a small local production of trucks for the army and various services (eg, foresters). In 2006 was completed finally producing cars and trucks. The plant in Starachowice currently produces frames of buses and bus and truck components group MAN . For example, shortly after taking over the old MAN started the production of electrical cable bundles. The brand "Star" was used for the sale of the Polish market of trucks produced in Steyr, Austria, in the former Steyr truck plant owned by MAN AG . On 9 January 2009, the company MAN Star Trucks & Buses "eliminated from the brand name" Star "and has since called" MAN Bus Sp. Z oo. " This means virtually the end of the history of the brand "Star." "Star" trucks have been exported to countries of the Eastern Bloc as well as Egypt , Yemen , Thailand .