| - Insert Funn13 Here is a webcomic loosely based on the fictional world of the Transformers. It was created on the Transformers message board TFans by site members Beast Megatron and HunterRose, in the site’s comedy forum “Insert Name Here.” The comic uses TFans members as characters, as personified by the members’ INH Kids, chibi like figures created for various members by site member Sularias. The characters, while looking like Transformers and other popular fictional characters (such as Spider-man), have no relation to the characters they depict. Instead, each character has his or her own personality unique to Insert Funn13 Here. The comic parodies many elements in pop-culture, especially movies, as well as uses internet jokes such as “leet speak” as plot devices and gags. [1] Also, becau
| - Insert Funn13 Here is a webcomic loosely based on the fictional world of the Transformers. It was created on the Transformers message board TFans by site members Beast Megatron and HunterRose, in the site’s comedy forum “Insert Name Here.” The comic uses TFans members as characters, as personified by the members’ INH Kids, chibi like figures created for various members by site member Sularias. The characters, while looking like Transformers and other popular fictional characters (such as Spider-man), have no relation to the characters they depict. Instead, each character has his or her own personality unique to Insert Funn13 Here. The comic parodies many elements in pop-culture, especially movies, as well as uses internet jokes such as “leet speak” as plot devices and gags. [1] Also, because the TFans community is always growing, new members are always allowed to contribute characters. These new contributions allow for new story arcs and plot expansion. The comic is always growing, and any fan can become a part of it- a reason behind the webcomic's growing success and spreading fame. The comic has run from August 22, 2005, through to the present day, and has been posted on many internet forums outside of TFans, most notably the "Toxic Apocalypse [2]" forums. Comic creators Beast Megatron and HunterRose have a total of ten issues completed (discounting one-shots and side stories), with more scripts written and stories on the way. Issue eleven is currently in production. Beast Megatron writes the scripts for each issue, while HunterRose acts as cartoonist and puts the comic together. The comic is created digitally, with no hand-drawn elements making it into the final product. Before a character can appear in Insert Fun13 Here, the member on which the character is based must have an INH Kid Tech Spec, which puts their INH Kids in tech specs similar to those in the Transformers: Generation 1 toyline. The Tech Specs, created by Beast Megatron, existed on their own before the comic debuted, and the biographies within them are the driving force behind the comic’s storyline [3]. Because more and more members of TFans are getting these Tech Specs, more and more characters are being added to the webcomic.