| - Male Human Strong Hero 7/ Soldier 3 Medium humanoid (human); HD 3d8 + 2d10 + 2d8 + 1d10 + 1d8 + 20; hp 85 ; Mas 14; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 22 (+3 Dex, +6 class, +3 undercover vest); BAB +9; Grap +12; Glock 17 +14/+9 (2d6, 19-20x2) SPAS-12 +12/+7 (2d8, 20x2) Colt Python +14/+9 (2d6, 20x2) Knife +12/+7 (1d4+5, 19-20/x2) AL Good, S.T.A.R.S; SV Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +4; AP 19; Rep +1; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 11. Occupation: Military (Knowledge: Tactics, Pilot) Bonus Feat: Personal Firearms Proficiency Soldier: Weapon Focus and Specialization (Beretta 92FS)
| - Male Human Strong Hero 7/ Soldier 3 Medium humanoid (human); HD 3d8 + 2d10 + 2d8 + 1d10 + 1d8 + 20; hp 85 ; Mas 14; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 22 (+3 Dex, +6 class, +3 undercover vest); BAB +9; Grap +12; Glock 17 +14/+9 (2d6, 19-20x2) SPAS-12 +12/+7 (2d8, 20x2) Colt Python +14/+9 (2d6, 20x2) Knife +12/+7 (1d4+5, 19-20/x2) AL Good, S.T.A.R.S; SV Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +4; AP 19; Rep +1; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 11. Occupation: Military (Knowledge: Tactics, Pilot) Bonus Feat: Personal Firearms Proficiency Skills: Climb +11*, Investigate +5, Knowledge (streetwise) +3, Knowledge (tactics) +14, Listen +8, Pilot +13, Spot +8 Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Aircraft Operation (jet fighters), Armor Proficiency (light), Athletic, Exotic Firearms Proficiency (grenade launchers), Far Shot, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Quick Reload, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Weapon Focus (Beretta 92FS), Weapon Focus (Colt Python), Weapon Focus (Glock 17) Strong: Melee Smash, Improved Melee Smash, Extreme Effort, Improved Extreme Effort Soldier: Weapon Focus and Specialization (Beretta 92FS) Possessions: Undercover Vest, Mesh Vest, Glock 17, 4 magazines 9mm, SPAS-12, 28 shells 12 gauge, Colt Python, 4 speed loaders .357, knife
* with Armor Check Penalty
* As stated by Azar of Faerun