Blue Fox is a fictional character who appeared in the Hogan's Heroes episode, Axis Annie. He was played by Chet Stratton.
A species of Fox in Peloria
* Also known as the Orogeria Fox.
* They are descended from Vixen, a mythical fox slain by Kenstrata.
* The Gamatae hunted them into extinction.
* The male of the species was associated with Ulurdum
* The female of the species, the Blue Vixen, was associated with Ulurda Source: Orogeria Moon
Blue Fox is a fictional character who appeared in the Hogan's Heroes episode, Axis Annie. He was played by Chet Stratton.
A species of Fox in Peloria
* Also known as the Orogeria Fox.
* They are descended from Vixen, a mythical fox slain by Kenstrata.
* The Gamatae hunted them into extinction.
* The male of the species was associated with Ulurdum
* The female of the species, the Blue Vixen, was associated with Ulurda Source: Orogeria Moon