| - This season follows the gang after college and into adulthood as they deal with numerous issues that adults face in their personnel and professional lives such as terrible working conditions, rape allegations, relationships, infidelity, sexual harassment, shootings, amnesia, parenthood, drug abuse, prostitution, homosexual rights and crime. The ensemble drama about young adults growing up in Beverly Hills is a blend of romantic drama and subject matter that crosses all cultural boundaries.
| - This season follows the gang after college and into adulthood as they deal with numerous issues that adults face in their personnel and professional lives such as terrible working conditions, rape allegations, relationships, infidelity, sexual harassment, shootings, amnesia, parenthood, drug abuse, prostitution, homosexual rights and crime. The ensemble drama about young adults growing up in Beverly Hills is a blend of romantic drama and subject matter that crosses all cultural boundaries. The storyline has followed the Walsh family as they moved from a middle-class Midwestern neighborhood to wealthy and glamorous Beverly Hills, maturing from high school to college students, facing new challenges as they continue to grow and discover more about themselves and their personal ambitions. As their worlds evolve, old friendships will be tested as new relationships develop, but no matter how complicated their worlds become, they will always share in their strengths and experiences.