| - Bueno is a playable character in MotorStorm: Apocalypse. He must be unlocked by leveling up in online play. According to his Festival Card, he is a member of the Roadkill faction, a semi-serious racing group; members include himself, Flameboy, Kookaburra, and Big Blue. Bueno is a veteran MotorStormer. This is shown because there is proof that he was at the Monument Valley festival on The Grizzly's Festival Card in the form of a quote: "The Grizzly? You just gotta bear it." He also appears in the Veteran segment of the Festival of Apocalypse, further strengthening the case for him.
- devient buen [ˈbwen] lorsqu'il est placé devant un nom masculin qu'il qualifie 1.
* bon, qui fait preuve de bonté, gentil, aimable, docile → amable, manso, simpático 2.
* bon, utile, qui peut servir → útil 3.
* bon, qui a bon goût → rico, sabroso 4.
* bon, qui est en bon état → nuevo 5.
* suffisant → bastante, suficiente
* ser bueno être quelqu'un de bien, être gentil, aimable
* estar bueno être beau, être physiquement agréable bueno invariable [ˈbweno]
| - devient buen [ˈbwen] lorsqu'il est placé devant un nom masculin qu'il qualifie 1.
* bon, qui fait preuve de bonté, gentil, aimable, docile → amable, manso, simpático 2.
* bon, utile, qui peut servir → útil 3.
* bon, qui a bon goût → rico, sabroso 4.
* bon, qui est en bon état → nuevo 5.
* suffisant → bastante, suficiente
* ser bueno être quelqu'un de bien, être gentil, aimable
* estar bueno être beau, être physiquement agréable bueno invariable [ˈbweno] 1.
* interjection sans valeur particulière que l'on place au début d'une phrase ou d'une proposition, 'bon'
- Bueno is a playable character in MotorStorm: Apocalypse. He must be unlocked by leveling up in online play. According to his Festival Card, he is a member of the Roadkill faction, a semi-serious racing group; members include himself, Flameboy, Kookaburra, and Big Blue. Bueno is a veteran MotorStormer. This is shown because there is proof that he was at the Monument Valley festival on The Grizzly's Festival Card in the form of a quote: "The Grizzly? You just gotta bear it." He also appears in the Veteran segment of the Festival of Apocalypse, further strengthening the case for him.