| - hi
- Heidi
- The word "German" can refer to either
* The German language
* German culture
* Somebody from Germany (officially called a "Kraut")
* Something germ-infected
- barfuß (barefoot) Briten (British) der (the) dreck (muck) ein (a/an) entfernt (distant) Europa (Europe) fluss (river) höllisch (hellish) Irland (Ireland) ist (is) jahrhundert (century) nicht (not) Nord (North) schlamm (mud) Schottland (Scotland) süden (south) unfotografierbar (unphotographable) zucker (sugar)
- • Carl Johnson as Thayne • Sean Johnson as Bradley • Sweet girl Johnson as Victoria • Ryder as Zack • Batman from batman as Anthony • Rouge from sonic as Taylor • Birdo from Mario as Marlee • Candy kong from mario as Marianne • King daphne from Zelda as Greg • Vulcan raven from metal gear as Pop • Aerial police as uncle dale • Pac-Man as Robbie • Wolf from star fox as uncle Karl • Bowser from Mario as uncle Barry
- The German people represent Germany, a playable civilization in the Civilization and Call to Power games. Their capital is Berlin.
- German is a West Germanic language.
- German is a lonely German Shepherd, who met Lassie.
- German was a language spoken by a number of humans on Earth in the 20th, 21st and 22nd centuries. This language originated from the country Germany, a large country on the European continent. The German language was spoken by the Unified German Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Frieden rebel forces during the Interplanetary War.
- German #1 is a fictional character who appeared in the Hogan's Heroes episode, The Gold Rush. He was played by Pitt Herbert.
- German is a West Germanic language and was one of Earth's major languages until the 23rd century, the United Powers League designating English as the common language of the planet. Despite this, knowledge of German vocabulary is retained by the terrans of the Koprulu Sector. The Valkyries brought into the Koprulu Sector by the United Earth Directorate in the year 2500 also speak some German.
- German is the language of Germany and also the cultural description of those who live in Germany.
- thumb|220px|To nie jest german! Ale podobny. German (Ge) – trzydziesty drugi, niemiecki, pierwiastek chemiczny, niemetal. Przewidziany został przez wielebnego proroka Mendelejewa, a odkryty przez szwabskiego chemika o szwabskim nazwisku – Clemensa Winklera. Ów odkrywca tak się ucieszył ze swojego sukcesu, że zadedykował to odkrycie swojej ojczyźnie – Szwabom. Z racji na rok 1886, nikt nie weryfikował nadawanych nazw i przyjęła się ona w użytku publicznym. Szwab wydobywany jest z rud cynku, ołowiu, miedzi i srebra, gdzie jak każdy inny Szwab – jest zanieczyszczeniem.
- A German (pl. Germen) is a man who is Ger. Women can also be Gers but they are usually Gerwomen.
- The term German refers to anything originating from the nation-state of Germany, including its people, as well as the German language. Benjamin Sisko once danced in German lederhosen at the Mazurka Festival in New Berlin. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I") "Jerry" was a slang term for a German person during World War II. Miles O'Brien and Julian Bashir (as well as Quark) used the term when O'Brien and Bashir used their Battle of Britain holoprogram. (DS9: "Homefront", "Accession", "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places")
- German is the Leaving Certificate's 2nd most commonly undertaken foreign language, if Irish is to be excluded. It is optional, although the LCVP requires a recognized modern European language to be taken. German is available at higher-level and ordinary-level and is examined through 3 tests; an oral exam in April and a written paper followed by an aural exam in June. It is also available to study German, ab initio (from the start), a German course for beginners which is recognised by most colleges as European language.
- Es ist nur ein ganz normaler Tag in Bikini Bottom. Jeder in der Stadt ist glücklich, weil sie in der Krossen Krabbe essen Krabbenburger. Zumindest alle außer Plankton. AM Abfalleimer Plankton: Es ist einfach nicht fair !!! Krabs immer gewinnt und ich verlieren immer !!! KAREN: Vielleicht, wenn Sie versuchten, würden Sie nicht so viel von einem Misserfolg. In der Regel gehen Sie in die Krosse Krabbe Fliegen blind! Wenn Sie hatten Überwachungskameras im Inneren des Gebäudes, können Sie mehr von a- zu machen. KAREN: Und das ist ...? KAREN: Danke, Schatz. Sie endlich dachte of- Bildschirm abschaltet.
- Howard and Sheldon can cite or use German words or short phrases.
* In "The Hamburger Postulate" (S1E05) Howard describes Leonard's and Leslie's sex as "eine kleine bang-bang Musik" : Howard: The blogospheres are buzzin' with news of you and Leslie Winkle making „Eine kleine bang-bang Musik“. Literaly, this phrase means "a little bang-bang music". It is probably a humorous wordplay on the German „Eine kleine Nachtmusik“ (literally "a little serenade" in English), the widely known name of Serenade No. 13 by Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
* In "The Pancake Batter Anomaly" (S1E11), it is shown that Sheldon did not know German well at the age of 15, but he can remember and recite short German phrases. He tells Penny about him becoming sick in the German city Heidel