| - thumb|256px Splash (1, 2, 3... Splash en España) es una película estadounidense de fantasía y también cómica-romántica de 1984 que fue dirigida por Ron Howard. Escrita por Lowell Ganz y Babaloo Mandel cuenta la historia de una sirena (Daryl Hannah) que se enamora del protagonista, Allen (Tom Hanks).
- Splash (zg_splash) - это вторая карта режима Зомби гигант в игре Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies.
- thumb|210px Splash (1, 2, 3... Splash en España) es una comedia romántica de fantasía estrenada el 9 de Marzo de 1984. Fue la primera película producida por Touchstone Films.
- Splash é o nome coletivo dado para golpes em que o wrestler está olhando para o oponente, executa um salto e cai com a barriga no oponente. O splash básico involve o atacante saltando de uma posição elevada (chamado de Diving Splash ou Superfly Splash, em honra a Jimmy Snuka) ou correndo e saltando (chamado de Running Splash)
* Exemplos de Usuários: Jimmy Snuka, Mark Henry
* Vídeo: 1pw fight club II superfly splash __TOC__
- Splash is a small, female adult seal. __TOC__
- __NOWYSIWYG__ Splash Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Splash is a Normal-type move introduced in Generation I that has no effect. Why Gamefreak added such a move is unclear, although it may be to emphasize the weakness of Pokémon such as Magikarp or Feebas.
- Splash is a small, thin, mangy, wiry-furred, black male.
- Splash Texts or tips, are the texts that appear during the loading screen. They give the player hints and trivial facts about the characters in Candy Crush Saga. They first appeared on November 17, 2014 along with the release of the 51st episode Marmalade Meadow. Over one and a half years later, they introduced on mobile (1.76.1).
- No effect. Un-arguably, the worst move going in the game, with no effects on the user, or the target. at all.
- title3::SplashImage::Splash.PNGuse::Fastattack_power::0[[specialgauge::]][[cooldown::]]dps::0type::Water
- The Splash is a professional wrestling move, The basic splash, which is also known as a body press, involves a wrestler jumping forward from a raised platform (usually the top turnbuckle) and landing stomach first across an opponent lying on the ground below.
- Splash (はねる, Hop) is a non-damaging Normal-type move introduced in the first generation. Prior to the second generation, it was the signature move of Magikarp. It has no effect whatsoever.
- Splash is a low-damage water attack used by pokemon such as magikarp.
- Splash — mapa trybu wieloosobowego w Call of Duty: Black Ops III. Dostępna w dodatku Awakening. Akcja rozgrywa się na terenie kompleksu parku wodnego. Pojawiają się tu liczne baseny, zjeżdżalnie i palmy. Dodatkowo w niektórych zbiornikach można pływać. (do uzupełnienia)
- Splash is a 1984 fantasy romantic comedy film directed by Ron Howard and written by Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel. The film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. The original music score was composed by Lee Holdridge. It was the very first film released by Disney's Touchstone Films (now known as Touchstone Pictures).
- Splash ist eine Multiplayer-Karte aus Call of Duty: Black Ops III, welche durch das erste DLC namens Awakening erschienen ist.
- Splash und sein Zwillingsbruder Splatter sind zwei menschliche Okama, die auf der Fischmenscheninsel leben. Sie haben genauso wie Sanji die Blutgruppe S RH- und konnte ihm so, zu seinem Schrecken, eine Bluttransfusion geben und ihn so vor dem sicheren Tod retten.
- Splash is a 1984 movie about a boy who falls in love with the mermaid who saved him from drowning. As a man, Allen Bauer is unsatisfied with his life, never having forgotten his aquatic saviour. On a whim, he decides to return to the place where his boyhood tragedy took place and finds himself once again saved by the woman. Possessing the ability to transform into a human for short periods of time, the soon-to-be-nicknamed Madison joins Allen in his Manhattan apartment where they are eventually hunted by an eccentric scientist.
- Splash is a move that does absolutely nothing, so nobody uses the move. It is usually only known by Magikarp. Its Gen V script was "But nothing happened!"
- A 21-year run by "Splash" ended Sept. 30, 2006, at the Riviera. The Moscow Circus is signed to take over the showroom. The last show was on the night of September 30, 2006. "Splash" owner/producer Meshulam Riklis, the 83-year-old former owner of the Riviera, announced the show's closure in a press release. The cast and crew, informed on Thursday night, were left stunned by the surprising one-week notice, sources said.
- When the spell is used, it causes a series of water streams to fall on enemies within an area of effect. While in Tales of Destiny 2, the streams all drop vertically onto the enemy position, later games modify the spell to have the streams shoot at fixed angles around the specified area, intersecting with other streams. Tales of Vesperia changes the spell effects to involve a single stream of water, released from a vase that is summoned above the enemy after knocking them down with it. In Tales of Destiny 2, this spell can be extended into Crush Gust.
- It is said that everyone has a soul mate, someone with whom they are destined to fall in love and be with for the rest of their lives, regardless of age, gender, geography... ...or, it seems, species. Splash is a 1984 romantic comedy directed by Ron Howard, surrounding the fairy-tale romance between Allen Bauer (Tom Hanks) and the mermaid (Daryl Hannah) who rescued him from drowning as a boy. Allen grew to adulthood, believing the young mermaid he saw in the water was only a hallucination, until she again saves him from drowning - but in doing so appears on the radar of Dr. Walter Kornbluth, an eccentric scientist who wants to prove the existence of mythical creatures like mermaids.
- Splash!, better known as just Splash, is a water balloon game, orginally located at The Beach and now available at the Retro Arcade. Players can transform into crabs and pelt each other with water balloons. Girl players are pink crabs and boy players are red crabs. The game was announced on September 16th, 2008, in the form of a comic. The game was finally released on December 9th, 2008.
- Esta página pertenece a la Negropedia. [[Imagen:Gabri_toñi.JPG|right|thumb|200px|Gabri y Toñi.]] "Yo no tengo ni primeras ni segundas marcas." — Toñi, honestidad ante todo. Antro de destrucción masiva que se encuentra en algún lugar de Moncloa regentado por la Toñi. En este local prima, ante todo, la sinceridad. Te venden veneno a precio de veneno y no lo disimulan, rellenan las botellas en tus narices, te sirven ron Barbudo (o aún peor, Magüey) o whisky Scottish Grocer... Si quereis resaca ya sabeis a donde ir.