| - Very occasionally, you get something curious to do as a RuneScape editor: as an example, you might get asked to name the fishes in Daemonheim, or you'll be requested to make a Scottish squirrel less intimidating. With the court cases, we were approached by Mod Nancy in October 2009 with the question "who in RuneScape would end up in a court case and why?". This is the kind of creative question that we love answering, so we threw ourselves into the task with a hop and a skip. If you're like us, you're already thinking of ideas and suggestions yourself.
| - Very occasionally, you get something curious to do as a RuneScape editor: as an example, you might get asked to name the fishes in Daemonheim, or you'll be requested to make a Scottish squirrel less intimidating. With the court cases, we were approached by Mod Nancy in October 2009 with the question "who in RuneScape would end up in a court case and why?". This is the kind of creative question that we love answering, so we threw ourselves into the task with a hop and a skip. If you're like us, you're already thinking of ideas and suggestions yourself. We presented Mod Nancy with several dozen suggestions, and she quickly began to strip away the more...um...unusual ones. If it wasn't for Mod Nancy's uncanny ability to tell the difference between quality ideas and rubbish ones, then you might have been defending the following NPCs for crimes in RuneScape: - Bob for J-walking - Cowkiller7331 for Grievous Bovine Harm - Prison Pete for Squatting - Sir Vant vs The Squire's Family for Negligent Knightery - Evil Chicken for Assault and Battery (or Fowling) - Grim Reaper for Manslaughter - Freaky Forrester for Poaching Mod Nancy then spent the best part of three months putting together roughly 150,000 words of content for 16 court cases, to be split into two batches and released in 2010. To give you an idea, that's roughly the length of The Hobbit AND The Fellowship of the Ring sellotaped together, so you can imagine the amount of time and effort that was spent on writing, editing and localising it. On the subject of writing and editing, we adopted a slightly different approach for this project. To split the gargantuan workload, it was decided that Mod Nancy would produce a basic structure for the text, and the editors would write over the top to produce the court cases. So, if there's some dialogue you loved or loathed, we're often the ones to blame!