__NOEDITSECTION__ [[English name::| ]][[English name (linked)::| ]][[Card image::| ]] [[Card type:: Card| ]][[Card type (short)::[[ Card|]]| ]][[Attribute::| ]][[Type::| ]] [[Lore::Equip only to a Reptile-Type monster. Once per turn, if the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed. The equipped monster gains 100 ATK at the end of the Damage Step each time this effect is applied.| ]][[Japanese lore::爬虫類族モンスターにのみ装備可能。装備モンスターは1ターンに1度、戦闘による破壊を無効にする事ができる。この効果で破壊を無効にした場合、装備モンスターの攻撃力は100ポイントアップする。| ]] [[?ATK::| ]][[ATK string::| ]][[?DEF::| ]][[DEF string::| ]][[Property::Equip Card| ]][[Property (short)::[[Equip Card|Equip]]| ]]
Attributes | Values |
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| - __NOEDITSECTION__ [[English name::| ]][[English name (linked)::| ]][[Card image::| ]] [[Card type:: Card| ]][[Card type (short)::[[ Card|]]| ]][[Attribute::| ]][[Type::| ]] [[Lore::Equip only to a Reptile-Type monster. Once per turn, if the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed. The equipped monster gains 100 ATK at the end of the Damage Step each time this effect is applied.| ]][[Japanese lore::爬虫類族モンスターにのみ装備可能。装備モンスターは1ターンに1度、戦闘による破壊を無効にする事ができる。この効果で破壊を無効にした場合、装備モンスターの攻撃力は100ポイントアップする。| ]] [[?ATK::| ]][[ATK string::| ]][[?DEF::| ]][[DEF string::| ]][[Property::Equip Card| ]][[Property (short)::[[Equip Card|Equip]]| ]]
| - Cannot be destroyed by battle
appears in 5d
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ja lore
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| - Equip only to a Reptile-Type monster. Once per turn, if the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed. The equipped monster gains 100 ATK at the end of the Damage Step each time this effect is applied.
stat change
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ja image
| - MoltingEscape-JP-Anime-5D.png
card type
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| - * Equips only to a specific target
* Limited activations
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| - __NOEDITSECTION__ [[English name::| ]][[English name (linked)::| ]][[Card image::| ]] [[Card type:: Card| ]][[Card type (short)::[[ Card|]]| ]][[Attribute::| ]][[Type::| ]] [[Lore::Equip only to a Reptile-Type monster. Once per turn, if the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed. The equipped monster gains 100 ATK at the end of the Damage Step each time this effect is applied.| ]][[Japanese lore::爬虫類族モンスターにのみ装備可能。装備モンスターは1ターンに1度、戦闘による破壊を無効にする事ができる。この効果で破壊を無効にした場合、装備モンスターの攻撃力は100ポイントアップする。| ]] [[?ATK::| ]][[ATK string::| ]][[?DEF::| ]][[DEF string::| ]][[Property::Equip Card| ]][[Property (short)::[[Equip Card|Equip]]| ]] Main card page: "[[Main card page::|]]" [[File:|link=File:|px]]
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