Atticus Rhodes, known as Fubuki Tenjōin in the original Japanese language version, is a fictional character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime and manga series. His given name means "blizzard" in Japanese, from which he derives his self-appointed title, "Blizzard Prince" in the original version of the series. His signature is written as "Fubuki 10 Join". In the English version, Atticus is voiced by Jason Anthony Griffith, while Koji Yusa takes the role in the Japanese version.
Attributes | Values |
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| - Atticus Rhodes
- Atticus Rhodes
| - thumb|right|Atticus Atticus ist Alexis' großer Bruder und galt lange Zeit als verschwunden, weil ihn die Schatten verschlungen.
- Atticus Rhodes, known as Fubuki Tenjōin in the original Japanese language version, is a fictional character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime and manga series. His given name means "blizzard" in Japanese, from which he derives his self-appointed title, "Blizzard Prince" in the original version of the series. His signature is written as "Fubuki 10 Join". In the English version, Atticus is voiced by Jason Anthony Griffith, while Koji Yusa takes the role in the Japanese version.
- Atticus Rhodes, known as Fubuki Tenjōin(天上院吹雪Tenjōin Fubuki) in the original Japanese language version, is a fictional character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime and manga series. His given name means "blizzard" in Japanese, from which he derives his self-appointed title, "Blizzard Prince" in the original version of the series. His signature is written as "Fubuki 10 Join". In the English version, Atticus is voiced by Jason Anthony Griffith, while Koji Yusa takes the role in the Japanese version.
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fr name
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| - * A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon
* Dark Factory of Mass Production
* Dragon's Gunfire
* Dragon Heart
* Inferno Fire Blast
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Super Rejuvenation
* Swing of Memories
Romaji Name
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video game debut
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| - * Burst Breath
* Call of the Haunted
* Metal Plus
* Negate Attack
* Offensive Guard
* Red-Eyes Burn
* Red-Eyes Spirit
effect monsters
| - * Attachment Dragon
* Cave Dragon
* Mirage Dragon
* Red-Eyes Black Chick
* Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon
* Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
* Red-Eyes Wyvern
* Spear Dragon
* Troop Dragon x2
normal monsters
| - * Hunter Dragon
* Red-Eyes Black Dragon x2
ko name
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ja trans name
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appears in psp
| - * Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force
* Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2
* Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3
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en name
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Voiced by
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| - Anime: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Episode 5
appears in ps
| - Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force Evolution
appears in anime
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appears in nds
| - * Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Spirit Caller
* Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008
wc08 deck
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previous organization
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appears in manga
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anime deck
| - * Magnificent Stage Deck
* Red-Eyes
gx02 deck
| - * Handsome Prince
* Dance Partner
* Escort Prince
* Prince's Smile
* Blizzard Prince
* Masked Darkness Dragon
hide nicknames
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| - * Magician of Love
* Blizzard Prince
* Bucky/Bro-bro
* Master
* Fubu-king/Rhodie/King Atticus
* Attie/Atty
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ar name
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gx03 deck
| - * We All Love Atticus
* Fun with Atticus
manga deck
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| - Atticus Rhodes, known as Fubuki Tenjōin in the original Japanese language version, is a fictional character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime and manga series. His given name means "blizzard" in Japanese, from which he derives his self-appointed title, "Blizzard Prince" in the original version of the series. His signature is written as "Fubuki 10 Join". In the English version, Atticus is voiced by Jason Anthony Griffith, while Koji Yusa takes the role in the Japanese version. The missing brother of Alexis Rhodes, Atticus' disappearance is a driving force in his sister's determination during the first season of the series.
- Atticus Rhodes, known as Fubuki Tenjōin(天上院吹雪Tenjōin Fubuki) in the original Japanese language version, is a fictional character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime and manga series. His given name means "blizzard" in Japanese, from which he derives his self-appointed title, "Blizzard Prince" in the original version of the series. His signature is written as "Fubuki 10 Join". In the English version, Atticus is voiced by Jason Anthony Griffith, while Koji Yusa takes the role in the Japanese version. The missing brother of Alexis Rhodes, Atticus' disappearance is a driving force in his sister's determination during the first season of the series.
- thumb|right|Atticus Atticus ist Alexis' großer Bruder und galt lange Zeit als verschwunden, weil ihn die Schatten verschlungen.
is Relatives
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is wikipage disambiguates
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