Gion (ギオン Gion?), mejor conocida como Conejo Rosa (桃兎 Momousagi?), es una vicealmirante quien apareció en el SBS Tomo 74.
Gion è un viceammiraglio della Marina.
Gion is a mysterious Kagerou who resides in the underground lair of the Touga Ninja Corps. He seems to be friends with Cougar Gai and Red Leopard Joe.
Gion was located in the Mempa sector and was the largest of planet Da'Kel II's moons. Although small, Gion possessed enough gravity and atmosphere for humanoids such as Klingons and Kriosians to be comfortable. It supported plant life, including trees, but otherwise was barren.
The Green Lantern of Feron served the Green Lantern Corps for over 500 years, based primarily out of his home world of Feron. The Green Lantern originally acted as a standard “superhero” on his world, using his power to aid his people whenever disaster or violence threatened their safety and wellbeing. As the years passed, the people of Feron began to rely on their Lantern's service as an indispensable part of their society. The Green Lantern was constantly informed of danger through a system of alarms designed to alert the protector whenever disaster struck.