| - Perhaps by nature or as a result of residing on Dxun (which was itself a great focus of dark side power), orbalisks were able to feed on the Force-sensitivity of darksiders. It was said that the orbalisk armor's durability was such that lightsabers had a hard time penetrating it, making a wearer basically immune to lightsaber attacks. The only weakness to this armor were the exposed joints at the neck and wrists, but these gaps were so small a lightsaber could only barely slice through. However, orbalisk armor was unable to protect the wearer from electricity, as Darth Bane discovered when he was attacked by Umbaran Shadow Assassins wielding Force pikes. However, the Orbalisks did offer some limited protection from the electrical shocks; despite being set to kill, the force pikes did not d
- An orbalisk was a parasitic creature found on Dxun that lived in groups. They lay inactive in caves or other dark places, until they found a suitable host creature on whose skin they would attach themselves to in order to feed. Orbalisks, once attached to a host, would multiply and grow, eventually enveloping and suffocating their victim. However, the holocron of Freedon Nadd contained the knowledge to make armament to prevent the orbalisks from covering the face, hands, and feet of the host, allowing them to keep this armor hidden.
| - Perhaps by nature or as a result of residing on Dxun (which was itself a great focus of dark side power), orbalisks were able to feed on the Force-sensitivity of darksiders. It was said that the orbalisk armor's durability was such that lightsabers had a hard time penetrating it, making a wearer basically immune to lightsaber attacks. The only weakness to this armor were the exposed joints at the neck and wrists, but these gaps were so small a lightsaber could only barely slice through. However, orbalisk armor was unable to protect the wearer from electricity, as Darth Bane discovered when he was attacked by Umbaran Shadow Assassins wielding Force pikes. However, the Orbalisks did offer some limited protection from the electrical shocks; despite being set to kill, the force pikes did not deliver a strong enough charge to subdue Bane. Orbalisks caused the wearer to feel pain, fueling the wearers dark side power and if they were removed or killed, they would release a highly potent toxin into the host's body.
- An orbalisk was a parasitic creature found on Dxun that lived in groups. They lay inactive in caves or other dark places, until they found a suitable host creature on whose skin they would attach themselves to in order to feed. Orbalisks, once attached to a host, would multiply and grow, eventually enveloping and suffocating their victim. However, the holocron of Freedon Nadd contained the knowledge to make armament to prevent the orbalisks from covering the face, hands, and feet of the host, allowing them to keep this armor hidden. Perhaps by nature or as a result of residing on Dxun (which was itself a great focus of dark side power), orbalisks were able to feed on the Force-sensitivity of darksiders. It was said that the orbalisk armor's durability was such that lightsabers had a hard time penetrating it, making a wearer basically immune to lightsaber attacks. The only weakness to this armor were the exposed joints at the neck and wrists, but these gaps were so small a lightsaber could only barely slice through. However, orbalisk armor was unable to protect the wearer from electricity, as Darth Bane discovered when he was attacked by Umbaran Shadow Assassins wielding Force pikes. However, the Orbalisks did offer some limited protection from the electrical shocks; despite being set to kill, the force pikes did not deliver a strong enough charge to subdue Bane. Orbalisks caused the wearer to feel pain, fueling the wearers dark side power and if they were removed or killed, they would release a highly potent toxin into the host's body.