| - The White rhinoceros or square-lipped rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum), is the largest extant species of rhinoceros. It has a wide mouth used for grazing and is the most social of all rhino species. The white rhinoceros consists of two subspecies: the southern white rhinoceros, with an estimated 17,460 wild-living animals at the end of 2007 (IUCN 2008), and the much rarer northern white rhinoceros. The northern subspecies has very few remaining, with only five confirmed individuals left (four females and one male), all in captivity.
- The horn was highly prized among certain cultures of Earth as an aphrodisiac. (ENT: "Fight or Flight") According to USS Enterprise-D primary school teacher Ms. Kyle, "as the value of their horns increased, the number of white rhinos in the wild kept falling, until they finally became extinct" during the mid-22nd century. (TNG: "New Ground" )
- The White Rhinoceros or Square-lipped rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) is one of the five species of rhinoceros that still exist and is one of the few megafaunal species left. It has a wide mouth used for grazing and is the most social of all rhino species. The White Rhino is the most common of all rhinos and consists of two subspecies: the Southern White Rhino, with an estimated 17,480 wild-living animals at the end of 2007 (IUCN 2008), and the much rarer Northern White Rhino. The northern subspecies may have as few as 12 remaining worldwide—8 captive and 4 wild—although the wild population has not been seen since 2006 and may have disappeared entirely.
- The white rhinoceros is a modern species of rhinoceros. It lives in Africa.
- The White Rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum, is a large ungulate native to Africa. The white rhino, along with the roughly equal-sized Greater one-horned (Indian) rhino, is the largest species of land mammal after the elephant. The white rhino is the least endangered of the living rhino species. Of its two distinct subspecies, the only populations of the Southern white rhino populations remain viable.The Northern white rhino is believed to be extinct in in its last known habitat in Garamba National Park due to poaching (International Rhino Foundation).