- Emp is a black, penguin-like creature with a large, orange beak. It has a white belly and two flat, yellow feet. Emp also sports a spiky haicut, making it resemble a Rockhopper penguin.
- This is a disambiguation for all things related to an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) in the Just Cause game series.
- The Electromagnetic Pulse charge, or EMP for short, is a vehicle weapon featured in the multiplayer mode Road Rage in RAGE and left quick-use item. They are unlocked at level 8. It's practically the same as EMP Grenades featured in the Campaign. This hi-tech throwing weapon appears to be a sophisticated device created after 99942 Apophis hit. Made with the use of Feltrite-based ingredients, EMP charges are effective against any electricity based devices.
- The EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) is a Killstreak reward in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Support Strike Chain reward in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Scorestreak reward in Call of Duty: Black Ops II and killstreak reward in Call of Duty: Online and Call of Duty: Heroes. It was cut from Call of Duty: Ghosts and replaced with the Ground Jammer.
- Emp es un enemigo de Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, se basa principalmente en un pingüino de verdad. Estos enemigos se quedan quietos en zonas heladas, al ver a Kirby tratarán de huir corriendo hacia la dirección opuesta. El numero de carta que tiene es el 67 de la página 8/9. Su nombre podría venir de Emperador por su nombre Emp que es un Pingüino emperador.
- Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) is burst of electromagnetic radiation that results from an explosion (especially a nuclear explosion) or a suddenly fluctuating magnetic field. The resulting electric and magnetic fields may couple with electrical/electronic systems to produce damaging current and voltage surges.
- The acronym EMP may refer to:
* Electromagnetic protection
* Electromagnetic pulse
- thumbEMP to jedna z możliwości pojawiających się w serialu Szczury laboratoryjne
- Emp (full name Empoleon) is JesseRoo's Empoleon, and his first Pokemon. He was also JesseRoo's first level one hundred, and the only one he raised by himself (however, his Milotic he raised from level 85 up, and his Salamence which was level 76 is almost level 100). Empoleon is still his most treasued of all his level one hundreds (Lopunny comes close). Emp knows Shadow Claw, Hydro Pump, Surf and Pluck.
- EMP (Elektro Magnetic Pulse, pol. Impuls elektromagnetyczny) – rodzaj ładunku występujący w Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Heroes i Call of Duty: Online. Dodatkowo miał pojawić się w Call of Duty: Ghosts, ale w trakcie procesu produkcyjnego został zastąpiony przez inną serię ofiar o podobnym działaniu. EMP jest to potężny ładunek, który wyłączą elektronikę na określonym obszarze.
- EMP is a special ability added in Midnight Club: Los Angeles.
- EMP is a special item created in the Workshop. When EMP is used it disables all Ensnare Traps and Omnitowers in a 1000 AoE around the caster. EMPs are often necessary to raid a heavily fortified base. EMP has a max stack size of 1 and a cooldown of 0 seconds. It lasts for about a minute.
- (wydanie dwutomowe z roku 1898) Lwów Nakładem Wydawnictwa Macierzy Polskiej z drukarni E. Winiarza
- EMP stands for Electro Magnetic Pulse. EMP is used to short circuit and temporarly disable vehicles and buildings. EMP cannot effect commander units or experimentals except when delivered as part of a death effect such as that of the Loyalist. Units that have this ability: Medusa (Cybran T1 Artillery) Loyalist (Cybran Siege Assault Bot; occurs on death) Shimmer (Aeon T1 Bomber), EMP Flux Warhead (Launched by Cybran Liberator, causes temporary EMP effect to any surviving enemies in blast radius), the Cybran T2 Air Transport, and the Cybran T3 SACU (when upgraded). Gameplay:
- L'EMP (acronimo inglese di ElectroMagnetic Pulse) in grado di disattivare dispositivi elettronici in un area talvolta anche molto vasta. Dopo l'esplosione di un'Arma nucleare si ha sempre un effetto EMP, che può avere anche un raggio d'azione molto ampio. Pertanto non è assolutamente consigliabile usare una possibile fonte di EMP in presenza di velivoli e gravità, o in prossimità di un Cannone CAM, in quanto i circuiti acceleratori del dispositivo andrebbero in cortocircuito.
- It was a nice, sunny day. I was browsing the Internet for some games to play. I looked at the clock, and the time was 2:57 PM. "Hmm. The news is about to come on soon. Better turn on the radio," I thought, used to listen to the radio via news. I went to the radio, and switched it on. Some music played, and soon enough the news came on. "We have detected an EMP wave circling the Earth as we speak. It will hit [my town] very soon. TV and radio signals will be lost temporarily. This EMP wave's origin is unknown, but is presu-" The signal started fading into static. Soon it cut off. "What about?"
- Emp ist ein NSC, einer der 365 Hapideiden, und zwar der Hapideid der Wiederverwertung. Er ist nicht nur der Wegbereiter der Korkenentsorgung und der Begründer der Wiederverwertung der noch unbenutzten Seite des Toilettenpapiers, sondern auch derjenige, der dem Bworker erklärt hat, was mit der gebrauchten Schutzvorkehrung zu tun ist. All das ist jedoch noch gar nichts im Vergleich zu seinem größten Konzept: Die Zerstörung von Gegenständen, um daraus Runen voller Magie zu gewinnen. Er war es, der Hel Münster diese glorreiche Idee gesteckt hat.Verschwendung ist für Emp ein Fremdwort. Ihr seid also dazu angehalten, eure Exemplare der Zeitung von Amakna oder eure Alchimistenphiolen in dem dafür vorgesehenen Mülleimer zu entsorgen!
- The EMP, or Electromagnetic Pulse, is a spell that Mumbo uses in Grunty Industries to disable certain machines. However, auto-fixing programs in place make the spell only temporary, meaning Mumbo has to quickly get back to his skull and send out Banjo and Kazooie to get past the disabled obstacle. The two EMPs are used for:
- Der EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse = Elektromagnetischer Puls) ist ein eine Abschussserienbelohnung aus Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 und Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 und Call of Duty:Black Ops II . In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 wird er ab 15 Kills infolge erreicht , in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 ab 18 Kills und in Call of Duty:Black Ops II ab 1300 Punkten. Es schaltet vorrübergehend feindliche Ausrüstung, HUDs und Abschussserien, die sich gerade im Luftraum befinden, aus. Setzen sie das EMP bei Angriffen ein, um zu verhindern, dass Sie in Sprengsätze des Feindes laufen und die Verteidiger ihr Team leich anvisieren können. thumb|left|256px|EMP Logo Kategorie:Abschussserienbelohnungen aus Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Kategorie:Abschussserienbelohnungen aus Call of Duty: Modern Wa