| - Ruger: Heh heh... Another fine haul. Long live the great Chrom! Cynthia: Chrom? Sir? Pegasus Knight Cynthia, returned from patrol, sir! ...Whoops! (trips) Oof... Right on the face... S-sorry for my clumsiness, sir! I promise not to trip against for at least 24 hours! Ruger: That'd be a new record... Now out with it, girl! What did you see? Cynthia: A suspicious band of travelers have been making inquiries in town, sir. Ruger: Oh? Cynthia: They call their leader Chrom, sir. I suspect they are impostors posing as you! They must be stopped at once! Ruger: Er, riiight. Posing as...me. But, uh, we don't have the men to battle these impostors right now. Best swallow our pride and exercise the better part of valor for now. Cynthia: Levelheaded and humble as ever, sir! Allow me to draw their atten
| - Ruger: Heh heh... Another fine haul. Long live the great Chrom! Cynthia: Chrom? Sir? Pegasus Knight Cynthia, returned from patrol, sir! ...Whoops! (trips) Oof... Right on the face... S-sorry for my clumsiness, sir! I promise not to trip against for at least 24 hours! Ruger: That'd be a new record... Now out with it, girl! What did you see? Cynthia: A suspicious band of travelers have been making inquiries in town, sir. Ruger: Oh? Cynthia: They call their leader Chrom, sir. I suspect they are impostors posing as you! They must be stopped at once! Ruger: Er, riiight. Posing as...me. But, uh, we don't have the men to battle these impostors right now. Best swallow our pride and exercise the better part of valor for now. Cynthia: Levelheaded and humble as ever, sir! Allow me to draw their attention while you retreat to safety! Ruger: Yes, yes, of course. A fine plan. Cynthia: I won't let you down, sir! Ruger: ...... Gads, she's dumb as a brick. ...Still, full marks for enthusiasm. Chrom: And you are...? Cynthia: All who would pretend to Chrom's name will answer to me for their deceit! Lay down your arms and surrender, or face judgement at my spear! Chrom: Well, she certainly seems eager. What do you think, Avatar? If she's being honestly deceived, we may be able to show her the truth. Cynthia: Enough! In the name of my lord Chrom, cast down your sword or draw it!