| - Bree,Trevor,Jared,Jenifer,Tessa,Shawn,Collin and Mya watch youtube videos of people saying they don't think the blair witch project is real and Bree sugests maybe they can prove it to them that is real and Jenifer makes a joke saying if they survive. They go into the woods the same one the others did before.They find the same church and they go in and they go walking around the cemetary.Mya trys looking for the blair witch's grave but can't find it and the group camps rate in the middle of the cemetary.
| - Bree,Trevor,Jared,Jenifer,Tessa,Shawn,Collin and Mya watch youtube videos of people saying they don't think the blair witch project is real and Bree sugests maybe they can prove it to them that is real and Jenifer makes a joke saying if they survive. They go into the woods the same one the others did before.They find the same church and they go in and they go walking around the cemetary.Mya trys looking for the blair witch's grave but can't find it and the group camps rate in the middle of the cemetary. That night they here laughing and strange noises and they go to invistagate only to see only the church and no other graves they then go to sleep.That morning the group is shocked to see that all the graves is back and Tessa and Jenifer finds the grave of the blair witch and they go hiking for the day and the camp out by a brook. They here crakling noises and sticks breaking and then they here the noise the grudge makes and Jared sticks his head out of the tent and something grabs him and the group goes outside only to see Jared sinking into the brook.Jennifer and Tessa scream,Trevor,Bree and Shawn start cussing and Collin is crying Mya then runs away and Bree screams at her to come back but she dosen't.Mya is running and she trips over a wire and falls face first to the ground.She here's the grudge noise and slowly turns around and see's a thousand bright red glowing eyes starring at her and she gets up screams and runs. Mya runs into the church and locks it.She here's something crawling on the ceiling and looks up just as something with red eyes jumps down.The group is searching for Mya and when they go back to there campsite it's morning and tthey go hiking again. While there hiking thy are talking about what happend and Tessa says it's the blair witch and then they find arms and legs hanging from the tree and there just like how the sticks are and they camp in a clearing an hour later.That night Tessa goes walking around an dit shows her camera fall to the ground and blood splattering on it. They wake up and find rocks around there tent and they go hiking and look for Tessa.They hike in another clearing and Bree says that she thinks that there almost to the witch's house.While there sleeping the tent opens up and Collin who is closet to the opening is dragged out of the tent and a few seconds later you can here him screaming and Shawn runs out and the rest stay afraid that the witch will get them.It shows Shawn runn ing and then he stops and yells and then something with red eyes comes running at him. Trevor then runs away leaving Bree and Jennifer and Jenifer says i'm not staying here and she runs off in anothere direction and Jenifer follows and they find the abandon house and Jenifer stays outside while Bree looks around to see if her friends are in here and she goes upstairs and see's Jenifer standing there and then something comes running at her and she disapers. Bree then here's somethhing coming up the steps and she climbs out the window and jumps down from the roof and runs and she see's a bon fire and Bree runs to it only to see Mya,Tessa,Collin,Shawn,Trevor,Jenifer,Alise,Ian,Allison,Hanna,Henrey,Toby,Micheal and Heather who are all alive and are tied to fifteen poles circled around the fire.Jenifer yells her name and Bree turns around only to be scremed in the face by the witch. Bree wakes up and finds herself tied up to a pole and she asks Heather what happend to them.Heather says that after i got dragged away the witch had put a spell on my friends to stand in the conner and when i was down there she took the spell away and left the basement with the camera and locked the door.The next day the witch came into the basement and told them you will stay here intill eight more people will come and then an horor ago she put us here.The witch then comes out and she has bright red eyes but then they dissaper and then she turns into her regular self. Heather asks why are we all here and the witch says i need a coven of sixteen witches to make her stronger.She than chants and then it starts pooring down raining causing the fire to go out and causing the sixteen kids to get loose.As Bree walks up tp the witch the witch says you can't stop me and then alighting electrcutes her and she disapers and all of the kids to pass out. They wake up and the kids are in the parking lot and they all get in Trevor's van and they drive off.