- Herbert was a Minister of Foreign Affiars for The Foreign Division (TFD). He prefered to be refered to as Czar of Foreign Affiars but not even his deputy Nam Cam refered to him that way. After serving his 5th Term as CoFA, he was the longest serving Minister for TFD. Following the 5th term he ran for TFD senator and was elected. Following that term Herbert Ran for a 2nd term and was elected by 4 votes in a much closer election. He is proudly serving his 2nd term currently. In addition, he is Monarch of Playdoh Paradise, the country he founded some 324 days ago and loves very much.
- When a fight breaks out at 99 and Maxwell Smart's wedding, Herbert wants to help but his wife tells him "if you want to help, shut up". Portrayed by Mace Neufeld [Episode #95: "With Love and Twitches"].
- Herbert is the pink pig that is often seen with Jingle. When Hamtaro was lost, he was picked up by Jingle and Herbert. Herbert became very good friends with Penelope after he saved her because she had fallen in a hole (In Welcome Home Penelope!.
- Herbert was a seaman aboard HMS Indefatigable during Hornblower's tour as midshipman.
- Herbert est un cochon anthropomorphe de l'univers de Donald Duck.
- Herbert P. Bear, Herbert Percival Bear (ang. Herbert Percival Niedźwiedź), znany też jako Znamienity Wielki Przywódca Club Herbert (gatunek: Ursus maritimus), to główny przeciwnik w Misjach w Club Penguin. Jest sprawcą zamieszania w Misji 3 dla PSA i późniejszych. Herbert to jedna z niewielu głównych postaci w Club Penguin nie będących pingwinem. Co dziwne, Herbert nienawidzi zimna i nie potrafi pływać. Jego głównym planem jest zniszczenie środowiska wyspy Club Penguin i zmienienie jej w ciepły tropikalny raj.
- Herbert is a character from the show Pinwheel.
- Herbert war ein Patient im Sacred Heart.
- Herbert is a town of about 750 people in southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada.
- Name: Herbert Species: Duckling
- Herbert is Verdauga's companion, often seen following him around. He is a plant like creature with a pumpkin head. Raised from a young age with the intention to be baked for pumpernickel bread, Herbert came alive after being exposed to Verdauga's pipe smoke. He "speaks" but only Verdauga can hear him. From Verdauga's reactions to him, Herbert has a foul mouth and a bad attitude. Verdauga will often be heard saying "Oh.. no Herbet.. thats rude" or "You shouldn't say such things!" in his conversations with Herbert. Herbert gets tired sometimes and buries himself in the ground, and if he is not trailing behind Verdauga then he is on his shoulder or in his bag.
- Herbert is the Dungeon Master who is worshipped by Forgath. It is revealed that he lives in his parent's basement, is a part-time Starbucks employee [1], plays World of Warcraft, is unsuccessful with dating women [2] and owns an X-Box 360 [3].
- Herbert es un Petrocrystal que nació de un choque entre Sugilite y Diamante en Ken 10: Destrucción Cósmica.En la separación se produjo una gran explosión y nació este hibrido.El quiere asesinar a Ken porque tiene el subconciente de Sugilite.Herbert vuelve en la tercera temporada de Ken 10: Destrucción Cósmica porque el Rey Caprichuckso lo revivio para luchar contra Ken,y,por el poder extra de Herbert,nació su hermano:Yensen.Herbert fue destruido por Apolo en el último episodio de la primera temporada.
- thumb|Chief Herbert (2364) Fähnrich Herbert ist im 24. Jahrhundert Mitglied der Crew der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) unter Captain Jean-Luc Picard. 2364 dient Herbert als Transporterchief. Es gelingt ihm nicht, William T. Riker, Data und Worf auf Vandor IV herunterzubeamen. (TNG: ) Im folgenden Jahr kommt Kyle Riker von der Sternenbasis Montgomery an Bord der Enterprise. Nach dem Beamen sorgt er dafür, dass die Sicherheit Riker zu seinem Quartier begleitet. (TNG: ) Herbert wurde von Lance Spellerberg gespielt und von Manuel Vaessen () sowie von Jonas Ziegler () synchronisiert.
- Herbert (しもやけ, Shimoyake) est un coq apparaissant comme villageois dans toute la série Animal Crossing. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
- "Herbert" was an insult used in the 2260s. It was derived from the name of a minor official who was notorious for his rigid and limited thinking. (TOS episode: "The Way to Eden") A variation of this insult, "Herberta," was applied to females. (Star Trek: Myriad Universes novel: A Less Perfect Union)
- Herbert is an android pig designed by Andross to obey his commands and keeps him company. He is also a piggy data bank and the power source for Andross's base on Venom.
- Herbert is unlocked by training Herblore via making potions, cleaning herbs, or burning herbs. Gaining this pet is based on the amount of experience awarded at once; the more experience granted per item made, the greater the chance of gaining this pet. The chance is not affected by experience boosters.
- Herbert was a monk who had relocated to St. Francis' Folly.
- Herbert was a Santa Cruz band (1994-2001) comprised of Mat Fitzsimmons (vox) and Steve Ilse (drums). Now re-named "Automatic Animal"
- Herbert is a minor character that appears in Paper Mario.
- Herbert, ein gelber Buu Huu, kommt in Paper Mario vor und lebt in der Windigen Schlucht. Wenn Mario und Lady Buu zum ersten Mal dorthin kommen, erzählt ihnen Stanley, dass Herbert von Tubba Blubba gefressen wurde. Wenn dieser besiegt ist, lässt er Herbert frei, der dann der letzte ansprechbare Buu Huu im 2. Bereich der Windigen Schlucht ist, wenn man von Buu Huus Villa kommt.
- Herbert was a cyborg commander of both Desperado Enforcement LLC. and World Marshal Inc. His cyborg serial code was 573 52217 2617.
- Herbert is a crazed, jingoistic patriot from America's heartland. Tough and having a high horspower engine, he is versatile, capable of switching and pulling, and is a great starter for newly-hired engineers.
- Herbert was the Ventrue that introduced Aunt Bedelia to the Southern Lords and helped her to get permission to dwell in Atlanta. Bedelia referred to him as one of her "boys". No one has heard from Herbert since the American Civil War, though if truth be known, he grew too fractious with Bedelia one night, and she put an end to him with a pick-axe.
- Herbert is a civilian living in a government apartment building in New York City, United States on Earth. While he has a son, he is not the biological father. When he unknowingly interrupted a conversation between Durga and Jersey Morelli, Durga lashed out. Informing him that his son wasn't his, and she got Herbert fired.
- Herbert made an appearance at Cleveland and Donna's wedding in the Pilot episode. Although silent in the Pilot, Herbert is voiced by Mike Henry who also voices Cleveland and Rallo. When Cleveland talks about how much better Lloyd Waterman's Christmas party is than Herbert's in "A Cleveland Brown Christmas", a scene is shown with Herbert singing Silent Night to Cleveland and some children. In "It's the Great Pancake, Junior Brown", Cleveland Jr. recalls trick-or-treating at Herbert's house and Herbert living in a suitcase in his room in "Murray Christmas".
- Review by Idiosyncratic Fallout (March 25, 2006) A rare Indian movie in that rarest of genre.. the genre of the absurd. Cinema where real people and situations are juxtaposed with the mystical and the whacky to form a dizzying flurry of sound and images that is at once other-worldly and yet right-next-door. Think of the wicked bizzare satirical humor and middle-class melancholy of "Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron" mashed up with the flamboyant images, verbal lash, downright whackiness and surprising mysticism of Kiran nagarkar's great Indian novel "Ravan and Edie" and you get the wonder that is "Herbert".
- One of the earliest engines of the Fat Director's railway, Herbert was one of a class of express engines designed by George Hughes for the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway. Good mannered and hard working, Herbert mostly worked on the semi fast passenger trains from Tidmouth to Vicarstown. After many years of service, Herbert was transferred back to the mainland and the Fat Director placed an order for a Atlantic Tender engine of the 4-4-2 wheel arrangement......but ended up with something completely different. Herbert is based on a L&YR Class 8.