| - Roni Eimacher is a CIA engineer who was kidnapped by Alexei Volkoff and forced to create the Hydra Network, after Volkoff threatened all of his family and friends. In his CIA files, Eimacher is described as a scientist who speaks German and English. He is also the head of Research at Volkoff Industries. He was born in Falls Church, Virginia. He is the son of James Eimacher who was employed by the Pentagon as a research associate until his retirement in 2001. His mother Barbara is a noted bio-chemist who taught at American University. Upon graduation from Falls Church High School, Eimacher choose to attend Virginia Polytechnic Institute where he graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering. He received his M.Sc. degree from Ohio State University in Columbus. Dr. Eimacher, a member of the scientific and professional cadre of senior executives, is Chief Scientist, Information Directorate, Volkoff Industries. The directorate is Volkoff Industries center for the advancement and application of information systems science and technology. It consists of civilian scientists, engineers and administrative and support people pursuing a wide variety of research and development projects with an annual budget of more than $700 million. The directorate's areas of investigation span the broad spectrum of information, including fusion and exploitation, command and control, advanced architectures, information management, communications and networking, collaborative environments, modeling and simulation, defensive information warfare and intelligent information systems technologies. Eimacher spent 11 years as a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg. He was selected than as an Engineering Fellow in Falls Church, VA. working in robotics and command, control, communications and intelligence advanced systems. Dr. Eimacher was a Program Manager in the Information Exploitation Office of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Airlington, VA. At DARPA, he completed and transitioned the Software-Enabled Control Program and the Model-Based Integration of Embedded Systems Program. He also initiated two original programs: Heterogeneous Urban Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition Team as well as Close Combat Lethal Recon. During his time at DARPA, he was approached and recruited by Volkoff Industries. His salary is said to rival some of the richest executives in the United States. The exact nature of his research has not been discovered but he is known to have been instrumental in the construction of HYDRA. Dr. Eimacher research interests focus on control systems, command and control biomechanics machine learning and embedded systems. He is the author or co-author of more than 60 publications. Chuck and Morgan track Eimacher down after the former flashes on the Hydra network eyeball. Initially, they grab the wrong person, Barry Greenfield, before finding the real Eimacher by comparing his photo later on. Eimacher quickly squeals about Hydra, before revealing that it's stored on The Contessa. He gives the duo directions to the network room. The name is presumably a pun on 'eye-maker', given his work on the storage device for the Hydra Network.