| - "Als Ihr Tiax nach seiner Vergangenheit fragt, ignoriert er Euch völlig und zieht es statt dessen vor, laut über seine Zukunft zu reden. Offenbar verehrt er Cyric, scheint aber auch etwas von dessen Wahnsinn zu besitzen. Tiax glaubt ohne Frage, dass er dazu auserkoren ist, die Welt zu beherrschen, und sein Eifer macht ihn blind für die Lachhaftigkeit seines Ziels. Im Augenblick scheint er harmlos zu sein." - Aus der Charakterbeschreibung von Baldur's Gate
- Tiax is a chaotic evil gnome cleric / thief multi-class character and a potential companion.BGTotSCBG:EE
- Tiax was a wandering cleric of Cyric. Not nearly as mad as his god, but insane nonetheless, Tiax claims that Cyric has granted him visions of world domination and he has made it his life's mission to fulfill those visions, attempting to create a worldwide theocracy in Cyric's name. He was not very successful in this endeavour, but it did not stop him from reminding everyone who he met of his goal. Over and over again. He met with the Protagonist in Baldur's Gate before travelling south to Amn, where he was captured by the Cowled Wizards as a 'deviant' and held in Spellhold.