| - Alexander "Alex" Mahone fue el agente especial de FBI designado para capturar a los ocho hombres fugados de Fox River. En secreto era presionado por la compañía para que encuentre y asesine a los hermanos Burrows Scofield y al resto de los fugados. Su plan se ve afectado cuando es encerrado en Sona junto a Michael Scofield.
- Mahone was raised in poor conditions, his mother cited spousal abuse against Mahone's father, but he still managed to hold onto custody of Alex, therefore only living with his father, who often abused him. According to Richard Sullins, his father beat him "like a harp seal for the next four years." Due to his lack of options in the work force while in adulthood, he decided to join the military.
- When the protagonist of the series, Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller), successfully orchestrates the escape of eight prisoners from Fox River State Penitentiary, Mahone is assigned to spearhead the task force assembled to recapture the fugitives and manages to capture four of them. However, he is arrested in Panama and imprisoned in Penitenciaría Federal de Sona in the second-season finale. Mahone manages to escape, and is coerced into taking down the Company, a secret group of multinationals which exerts an influence on the White House. An assassin is hired by the Company to murder his son, and Mahone spends the majority of season four seeking revenge.
- Alexander Mahone was the top FBI agent assigned to capture the Fox River Eight, but before he could bring them down, he was put into Sona, together with his nemesis, Michael Scofield. After break out (of Sona) he joined the "Scylla Team" and help Scofield to find "Scylla".Finally set free with help of Paul Kellerman, he was one of Michael Scofield's best friends.
- When the protagonist of the series, Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller), successfully orchestrates the escape of eight prisoners from Fox River State Penitentiary, Mahone is assigned to spearhead the task force assembled to recapture the fugitives. Mahone manages to capture four of them, but Scofield and his infamous brother Lincoln Burrows remain at large. At the end of the season, he is arrested in Panama and imprisoned in Penitenciaría Federal de Sona in the second-season finale. In season 3, Mahone manages to escape, and is coerced into taking down the Company, a secret group of multinationals which exerts an influence on the White House. An assassin is hired by the Company to murder his son, and Mahone spends the majority of season four seeking revenge.