| - Aided by stolen Autobot technology, the Mechanic launches a crime wave, stealing high technology equipment and extorting huge payments from the Portland underworld. Grimlock sends Blaster and Goldbug to find the Mechanic and retrieve their stolen technology, even at the cost of human lives. Meanwhile, members of the Portland police are also attempting to bring the Mechanic to justice. Believing the Mechanic's super-tools to be of Transformer origin, the police have been instructed to deal aggressively with any Transformers they encounter. In one attempt to trap the Mechanic, the police and the Autobots hinder each other's progress, and the Mechanic escapes.
| - Aided by stolen Autobot technology, the Mechanic launches a crime wave, stealing high technology equipment and extorting huge payments from the Portland underworld. Grimlock sends Blaster and Goldbug to find the Mechanic and retrieve their stolen technology, even at the cost of human lives. Meanwhile, members of the Portland police are also attempting to bring the Mechanic to justice. Believing the Mechanic's super-tools to be of Transformer origin, the police have been instructed to deal aggressively with any Transformers they encounter. In one attempt to trap the Mechanic, the police and the Autobots hinder each other's progress, and the Mechanic escapes. The Mechanic calls a meeting of all the crime bosses of the Pacific Northwest, during which he displays modifications to their cars that equip them with heavy weaponry. The police and the Autobots, having come to an agreement to work together, invade this meeting, capturing the crime bosses and the Mechanic's henchman, Juan, but the Mechanic himself escapes once again. Believing Grimlock to be an unfit commander, and knowing that Grimlock will see their mission to recover the Mechanic as a failure, Blaster and Goldbug decide to head out on their own.