| - To All Those To Whom These Presents Come, Greetings. Today marks the dawn of a new era on Cyber Nations, the Age of Openness. A door has opened, a light shone and a new community born. For on this day, a group of friends united in their values, aims and aspirations have brought forth unto the Cyberverse, a new style of play: the Open Source Style. From this day, until the ending of time, all who walk the path of Openness shall be our brethren.
| - To All Those To Whom These Presents Come, Greetings. Today marks the dawn of a new era on Cyber Nations, the Age of Openness. A door has opened, a light shone and a new community born. For on this day, a group of friends united in their values, aims and aspirations have brought forth unto the Cyberverse, a new style of play: the Open Source Style. From this day, until the ending of time, all who walk the path of Openness shall be our brethren. Many new alliances are but exercises in rebranding: new forum, new flag, new name, but the same people, the same rules, the same style of play. The Open Source Alliance is different. A Black Team alliance, we are committed to education, activity, community and engagement. Respect, trust, cooperation, learning and sharing are the bywords of the OSA, and the values by which we live. Our Source Code (charter) is our guide, filled with insight and direction, but still open; changing with and for the times. The OSA offers an unparalleled training experience for both new and long time CN players. Our extensive mentoring and aid systems will have any player at the top of their game in short order. The happiness, security and fun of our members is, and shall always remain the focus of our Alliance. From tech to trades, wonders to wars, OSA members experience CN like no other alliance.