Grelin Whitebeard[[:File:|[, ]]] is a dwarf quest giver found at his camp located in the dwarven starting area of Coldridge Valley in Dun Morogh. He is accompanied by an absent-minded apprentice. He is also great friends with Jona Ironstock.
Grelin Whitebeard jest NPC oferującym zadania przebywającym w Dolinie Lodowej Grani, w strefie startowej krasnoludów i gnomów w Dun Morogh. Jest on bratem Senira Whitebearda.Towarzyszą mu dotknięty amnezją uczeń oraz zaginiony gnom.
Grelin Whitebeard[[:File:|[, ]]] is a dwarf quest giver found at his camp located in the dwarven starting area of Coldridge Valley in Dun Morogh. He is accompanied by an absent-minded apprentice. He is also great friends with Jona Ironstock.
Grelin Whitebeard jest NPC oferującym zadania przebywającym w Dolinie Lodowej Grani, w strefie startowej krasnoludów i gnomów w Dun Morogh. Jest on bratem Senira Whitebearda.Towarzyszą mu dotknięty amnezją uczeń oraz zaginiony gnom.
Grelin Whitebeard[[:File:|[, ]]] is a dwarf quest giver found at his camp located in the dwarven starting area of Coldridge Valley in Dun Morogh. He is accompanied by an absent-minded apprentice. He is also great friends with Jona Ironstock.