| - The level begins with the Kongs landing on a floor. A cactus that can be pounded on for a Banana Coin is ahead. Above this cactus there is a wooden platform. When the heroes near this cactus, they can find a Tiki Buzz flying side to side. IIf the heroes high bounce on this Tiki Buzz and move left when it nears the wooden platform in midair, they can reach it, causing two wooden boards covering it to move away, revealing Rambi's Animal Crate. However, if the heroes fail to reach this, they must complete the level on foot, for there is no other Animal Crate in the level but right at the beginning. The level is more challenging this way, and there is no way to retry this unless the heroes die before the first checkpoint and restart at the beginning. Anyway, the heroes can jump on Rambi's Animal Crate and pound it. They will now find themselves on the back of Rambi. Now the heroes can jump off this wooden platform and head forward. Shortly after landing, they will near the end of this floor, which has a blue, propeller-like plant that can be blown on for a Puzzle Piece. Since the heroes cannot blow on Rambi, they must jump off Rambi's back (press the B button on the Wii Remote, I'm most certain it is that button) and blow it. This goes for any other object that can be blown on in Precarious Plateau or any other level that features Rambi. Anyway, immediately after this blue, propeller-like plant that can be blown on for a Puzzle Piece, there is a gap that holds three wooden platforms that crumble when stood on. The heroes should jump on the first one and then quickly jump on the second wooden, crumbling platform. From here, the heroes should jump on the third wooden, crumbling platform, where they can then jump on a skinny, very small rock platform. Here, the heroes can see a larger, non-crumbling wooden platform ahead, with a swinging Boulder and the letter K of the K-O-N-G Letters above it. The Kongs should jump to this wooden platform, which they can collect the letter K by doing so. Here, they can then jump to a smaller, non-crumbling wooden platform that holds a DK Barrel. The heroes can jump here without worrying about the swinging boulder, for Rambi can destroy these swinging Boulders. However, if the heroes do not have Rambi, then they are at risk of being hurt by the swinging Boulders. So, with that being said, swinging Boulders are not a threat if the Kongs have Rambi. On this wooden platform with the DK Barrel, the heroes can see a very small, skinny, rock platform with a swinging Boulder and a Banana Coin above it. A non-crumbling wooden platform is after this small, skinny rock platform. The heroes should jump on the skinny rock platform, and then jump to this non-crumbling wooden platform. A small wooden platform holding a trail of three Bananas is ahead, and a swinging Boulder swings over it. Two wooden platforms that crumble when stepped on, the first being bigger than the other, are after this small wooden platform. The Kongs should jump to this small wooden platform. Here, they can jump to the first wooden platform that crumbles when stepped on, and then onto the second crumbling wooden platform. From here, the apes can jump onto a rock floor with a dandelion that can be blown on for a collectible, most likely, and the Tutorial Pig hosting the first checkpoint. After the checkpoint, the heroes can run over a stone part of the floor before falling into a lower floor with three Bananas and two Banana Bunches, as well as a cactus that can be pounded on for a collectible, most likely. Also, a swinging Boulder swings over this floor. On this lower floor, the heroes can simply just jump to a higher floor. Here, the heroes can walk to the edge of this floor, since the floor is very short. Here, the Kongs can see a higher floor with a Banana Bunch over its edge, and a lower floor with a large, light brown/orange block that has a carving of Rambi's head in it. A Tiki Buzz flies up and down between the two floors, however, it can be defeated with Rambi. Anyway, if the Kongs take the lower floor, they can run into the light brown/orange block to destroy it and enter a Bonus Room (note: these large light brown/orange blocks cannot be broken if the Kongs do not have Rambi, so if the Kongs do not have Rambi with them, then they cannot access the Bonus Room). When the Kongs exit the Bonus Room, they can jump onto a trampoline on a rock and bounce onto a wooden bridge that holds two Tiki Goons traveling on it. Anyway, if the Kongs take the higher floor, they can jump to it. Here, they can find a Tiki Tank and a cactus that can be pounded on for a collectible, most likely, before the Kongs travel over a wooden bridge that has two Tiki Goons on it. After the bridge, the heroes can find a large, golden switch next to what looks like an area covered by wooden boards. If the heroes pound this large, golden switch, the wooden boards fall over, revealing a separate platform with a blue, propeller-like plant that can be blown on for a Puzzle Piece, as well as a Barrel Cannon after this separate platform and two basalt platforms on ropes above it that swing into an area similar to Thugly's Highrise (it's not Thugly's Highrise, at all for Thugly's Highrise only appears in the boss level, as well as in the background of Clifftop Climb). Anyway, the basalt platforms destroy this wall similar to Thugly's Highrise (which also causing them to fall off their ropes), revealing an area made up of a wooden bridge in the background. If the heroes jump into this Barrel Cannon after the separate platform, they can fire to a skull Auto-Fire Barrel in the background (skull Barrel Cannons/Auto-Fire Barrels destroy themselves/explode, whatever you want to call it, after firing the Kongs). The skull Auto-Fire Barrel then fires the Kongs onto the wooden bridge. As soon as the heroes step foot on this wooden bridge, it seems like if a crack had to run through every part of the bridge, causing it to lower into the gap below. This doesn't really happen, however, when the Kongs step here, the first part of the wooden bridge lowers, and then it moves onto the second part of the wooden bridge and lowers it, then the third, fourth, fifth, etc. So because the bridge is lowering from one to another, the Kongs should dash (shake the Wii Remote) to get past this area. As the heroes dash over this wooden bridge, Tiki Tanks will come out of holes in the wall in the background, and start walking on this bridge. Also, trails of Bananas and the letter O can be found as the heroes dash through here. The letter O can easily be reached with a jump while dashing. At the end of this area, the heroes can jump onto a crumbling, wooden platform and then onto another crumbling, wooden platform. Here, the Kongs can jump onto a basalt platform. This basalt platform is in an area of three basalt platforms, where the first and last basalt platforms repeatedly slam into one side of the middle platform, causing the first/third plaform to move up and slam back onto the opposite side of the middle platform. So, it is a pattern: the first slams into the left side of the middle platform, moving the third one up and slamming back onto the opposite side of the middle platform, moving the first platform. Pretty confusing to put in words, however, this is the behavior of these platforms. On the first basalt platform, the heroes can simply jump to the middle basalt platform and head onto the third basalt platform. The first basalt platform slams into the middle platform, causing the third basalt platform to move up with the Kongs near a Barrel Cannon. Before the third basalt platform moves back, the heroes can jump into this Barrel Cannon. Here, the heroes can fire through many Bananas onto a rock floor in the foreground. There are two Tiki Goons on this rock floor as well as three blue, propeller-like plants that can be blown on for Bananas and a Heart. At the end of this floor, the heroes can see a shaking basalt platform as well as part of a normal, non-shaking basalt platform after it. The letter N is above this shaking basalt platform. These shaking basalt platforms are very dangerous, for once the heroes land on them, they will fall off their ropes, causing the heroes to land in the abyss and lose an Extra Life Balloon if still standing on it. So, the heroes should jump to this letter N, land on the shaking basalt platform, and immediately jump on the next, normal, non-shaking basalt platform. The heroes can collect a Banana Bunch on the way. Anyway, here, the heroes can jump to a large platform that holds a dandelion that can be blown on for a collectible, most likely, a cactus that can be pounded on for a collectible, most likely, and the Tutorial Pig hosting the checkpoint. After the cactys, there is nothing at all but a gap with a swinging basalt platform in it. There is a rock platform after this swinging basalt platform. So, the heroes should jump on the swinging basalt platform and then jump on the rock platform after it. A shaking basalt platform with a Tiki Goon is after this rock platform (by the way, the level's Slot Machine Barrel can be seen in an area in the background) . The heroes should jump on the Tiki Goon first, then land on this shaking basalt platform (the Kongs don't have to, but it is my, Smashbro8's opinion that it is safer to jump on the Tiki Goon first then the shaking basalt platform). Here, the heroes should immediately jump over a gap with a Flaming Tiki Buzz in it and land on another shaking basalt platform. Here, the Kongs should immediately jump onto a crumbling, wooden platform. Another shaking basalt platform with a Tiki Goon walking on it is after this. The Kongs should immediately jump here and jump on the Tiki Goon first. Then, they should land on the shaking basalt platform and immediately jump to the shaking basalt platform with a Tiki Goon on it after it. The Kongs should land on the Tiki Goon here, then land on this shaking basalt platform. Immediately after landing here, the heroes should jump over another small gap with a Flaming Tiki Buzz in it and land on another shaking basalt platform. Three wooden platforms that crumble when stepped on, the first and third being smaller than the middle are after this shaking basalt platform. Immediately, the heroes should jump onto this first crumbling wooden platform, then onto the second crumbling, wooden platform, then onto the third, crumbling wooden platform. A shaking basalt platform with a Tiki Goon on it, a Flaming Tiki Buzz moving up and down on the right side of it, and the letter G above it is after this. The heroes should jump on the Tiki Goon of this shaking basalt platform to collect the letter G. Then the heroes can land on the shaking basalt platform. Here, they can immediately jump over the Flaming Tiki Buzz to land on a rock floor with a large, golden switch, as well as some wooden boards holding a large rock wall together. If the heroes pound this large, golden switch three times, a Barel Cannon, appears from above, as well as the large rock wall moving away, revealing four large light brown/orange rocks piled together: two with a carving of Rambi's head, and two without a carving. If the heroes run into these large, light-brown/orange rocks, they can enter a hidden area with three rows of collectibles in a horizontal fashion. The first row has six Banana Bunches, the second row has four Banana Coins with a Puzzle Piece in the middle, and the third row also has six Banana Bunches. Anyway, after this, the heroes can jump into the Barrel Cannon and fire into the area that was once in the background. Here, the heroes can find a ring of moving Bananas with a Tiki Zing. The heroes can defeat the Tiki Zing with ease and collect the moving Bananas. If everything is collected, then a Banana Bunch appears. After the Banana Bunch, the heroes will immediately run into a ring of moving Bananas with a Flaming Tiki Zing. The heroes can collect the Bananas for a Banana Bunch, however, since Rambi cannot defeat any enemy that is on fire, the heroes must dodge the Flaming Tiki Zing or they will lose a Heart. Immediately after this ring, the heroes will reach a third ring of moving Bananas with two Tiki Zings. The heroes can collect all the Bananas in the ring without having to worry about the Tiki Zings, for Rambi will take them out for them. If all Bananas in this ring are collected, a Heart appears. Immediately after this, the heroes will reach another ring of moving Bananas with a Flaming Tiki Zing. While dodging this dangerous enemy, the heroes can collect all the Bananas in this ring for a Banana Coin. The next ring of moving Bananas immediately after this has a Tiki Zing in it. If every Banana in this ring is collected, a Banana Coin appears. Now the next ring immediately after this ring is super special. It holds moving Bananas and a Flaming Tiki Zing. Yeah, yeah, just like the others. BUT!!! If every Banana is collected, the fifth and final Puzzle Piece of the level appears! Anyway, shortly after this ring, the heroes can reach the end of the floor, where the Slot Machine Barrel stands over the gap. The heroes can just jump into the Barrel from here. Anyway, when the heroes jump into the Slot Machine Barrel, the level is complete.