| - The story starts right where it left off. Barry Allen is still looking for the killer who murdered the man in the Mirror Master Costume, and still wanted for murder. The first thing The Flash does is he runs away, but these guys are fast. Using special hand cuffs, the group of people try to bring Barry in. But the Flash is too fast for them. He stops and asks for an explanation. The leader, Commander Cold, tells him that he is under arrest for a crime that he will commit in the future. The Flash, not believing them, runs away and takes cover as his Barry Allen alter ego, and goes to tell Iris Allen, his wife, what is going on.
Meanwhile, at the prison where Captain Boomerang is being held, he is still trying to get out... unsuccessfully. Mirror Master, and Captain Cold are watching him from their hideout and are disappointed. Captain Cold says that he thinks he will never get out. Mirror Master on the other hand, says that he has a chance. Barry tells Iris what is going on and Iris says that he would never do anything like that, and tells him to just lay low for a while, Barry agrees with her, but its too late, they've found him.