| - The overwhelming majority of fictional works center around heterosexual characters, with anyone else being a Token Minority or nonexistent. Some gay-themed media, however, does the exact opposite by making most (if not all) of the characters gay or otherwise non-heterosexual. While many gay-themed works are created by straight writers, the Cast Full of Gay is almost always created by gay or bisexual writers (at least in Western works ). As such, it will generally have a wider variety of Queer As Tropes instead of pigeonholing the characters into one particular stereotype, sometimes making the characters into sort of a gay Six-Student Clique or Five-Token Band. The few token straight characters that appear will usually be fag hags, dyke tykes, token homophobes, or family members of the main characters. Interestingly, the mortality rate of gay characters tends to drop significantly in cases where most of the cast is gay, while the chance of a Happy Ending increases. This can also be attributed to the fact the writers are usually gay themselves. Something to note is that in Japan, with the popularity of both the Boys Love and Yuri Genre, many straight writers do actually create works that fulfill this trope. These works still mostly have happy endings as the author is very likely a Yaoi Fangirl or a Yuri Fanboy. Not to be confused with Everyone Is Gay, which is about fanfics where the entire cast is suddenly gay because Het Is Ew. Also, in spite of the fact that some examples center more around bisexual characters, this is distinct from Everyone Is Bi, in which gender and sexual orientation are simply treated as a non-issue. Despite what you might expect from the oft-referenced 10% statistic, this is actually reasonably common in Real Life, since people typically build social circles around shared perspectives and experiences, making a gay character with mostly queer supporting cast is as much to be expected as a soldier character with mostly military supporting cast. Examples of Cast Full of Gay include: