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| - Ralph Lauren
- Ralph Lauren
- Ralph Lauren
| - Lauren attended day school followed by MTA (now known as the Marsha Stern Talmudical Academy), before eventually graduating from DeWitt Clinton High School in 1957. In MTA Lauren was known by his classmates for selling ties to his fellow students. In a later interview about his early ambitions he referred to his Clinton yearbook, in which it stated under his picture that he wanted to be a millionaire.
- Today, the Ralph Lauren brand is extremely widespread and some might say it is synonymous with American sportswear. The signature of the Ralph Lauren Polo collection is a small horse with a polo rider on it, usually placed on the left side of the chest.
- Ralph Lauren (born Ralph Lifshitz on October 14, 1939) is an American fashion designer and business executive. He is most notable for his Polo Ralph Lauren clothing brand. He appeared as himself in only one episode, "The One With Ross's Teeth", in two silent cameos. Rachel works at Ralph Lauren starting in Season 5 and stays employed there until the end of Season 10.
- Ralph Lauren (født 14. oktober 1939) er en amerikansk modedesigner. Han er specielt kendt for tøjlinien Polo Ralph Lauren, som har specialiseret sig i afslappet og semi-formelt tøj til mænd og kvinder. Ralph Lauren er alment betragtet som en af verdens førende modedesignere, og Polo-liniens logo med hest og rytter er omtrent lige så kendt som Lacoste's alligator. Oven i købet valgte Ralph Lauren at donere det pelstøj de allerede havde produceret til velgørenhedsorganisationer i udviklingslande.
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| - Lauren attended day school followed by MTA (now known as the Marsha Stern Talmudical Academy), before eventually graduating from DeWitt Clinton High School in 1957. In MTA Lauren was known by his classmates for selling ties to his fellow students. In a later interview about his early ambitions he referred to his Clinton yearbook, in which it stated under his picture that he wanted to be a millionaire.
- Ralph Lauren (født 14. oktober 1939) er en amerikansk modedesigner. Han er specielt kendt for tøjlinien Polo Ralph Lauren, som har specialiseret sig i afslappet og semi-formelt tøj til mænd og kvinder. Ralph Lauren er alment betragtet som en af verdens førende modedesignere, og Polo-liniens logo med hest og rytter er omtrent lige så kendt som Lacoste's alligator. I foråret 2006 bekendtgjorde Ralph Lauren at hans firma af etiske grunde ikke længere ville arbejde med pels. Firmaet, Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation, havde i længere tid overvejet at bandlyse pels i deres kollektioner, men det var først efter en række møder med PETA i februar og marts 2006, hvor bestyrelsen blandt andet fik et indblik i hvor pelsen kom fra, at de valgte at gøre alvor af det. Oven i købet valgte Ralph Lauren at donere det pelstøj de allerede havde produceret til velgørenhedsorganisationer i udviklingslande. PETA har rost Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation for deres beslutning, og opfordrede efterfølgende alle til at skrive til firmaet og takke dem for beslutningen om at blive pelsfri.
- Today, the Ralph Lauren brand is extremely widespread and some might say it is synonymous with American sportswear. The signature of the Ralph Lauren Polo collection is a small horse with a polo rider on it, usually placed on the left side of the chest.
- Ralph Lauren (born Ralph Lifshitz on October 14, 1939) is an American fashion designer and business executive. He is most notable for his Polo Ralph Lauren clothing brand. He appeared as himself in only one episode, "The One With Ross's Teeth", in two silent cameos. Rachel works at Ralph Lauren starting in Season 5 and stays employed there until the end of Season 10.