| - Basic facts about Kota:
* Full Name: Kota Lucius Sorrowblade
* Sex: Male
* Place of Birth: Unknown, presumably somewhere in Lordaeron.
* Date of Birth: 10/30
* Current Residence: Tempest's Reach, Gilneas
* Age: 63
* Eye Color: Pale Brown
* Hair Color: Grey
* Hairstyle: Long and messy; a little longer than shoulder length
* Weight: 168 lbs.
* Height: 6' 1"
* Intelligence Level: Very High
* Known Languages: Common, Gilnean, Gutterspeak, fragments of Nerubian
* Tattoos/Scars: Kota's body is covered in battle scars; he has seen much war in his life, and is proud to have every one of those scars. On Kota's left arm, he bears a wicked black skull design in the center of a gothic cross.
* Jewlery: Kota's fingers are covered in black and tarnished silver skull rings, or bands etched with an ornate, gothic design. Attatched to a silver chain on his hip, Kota wears his mysterious Cross of the Necromanteion, which he uses for Soulweaving. Also, Kota sports the amulet of the Reapers on his neck.
* Left/Right Handed: Right, but ambidextrious when it comes to weapons.
* Personality: Kota is a very intelligent, well-mannered man. When in a big city or out in public, he walks with his arms cupped behind his back and his head up. If he is alone, for instance on a walk, he walks very slowly, using his either a staff or his scythe as a walking stick, and he keeps his head down. Kota doesn't talk or interact much with those he doesn't know, but when he is with a friend or two, he loves to emerse himself in conversation. He does not care much for cocky people, or those who doubt his power; if you do irritate Kota, you'd best say your last goodbyes quickly, he can kill before you even realize what you've done....
* Voice: Kota has a light British accent, and usuallty speaks very quietly.
* Patience Level: High
* Optimist or Pessimist: Kota is somewhere in the middle; though, at times he can be more of an optimist.
* Greatest Fear: Kota fears nothing, he has witnessed horrors mortal men couldn't comprehend in their wildest nightmares.
* Biggest Regret(s): Betraying his wife for power, and ultimately being the reason she died.
* Biggest Accomplishment(s): Aquiring Death's Scythe, becoming a master Shadowmancer and Soulweaver, being the master of Assassin and Shadowmancing prodigy Cole Crowley, and helping in the creation of Azeroth's most infamous Assassin organization.
* Family: Abigail Sorrowblade (Wife, deceased), Cole Crowley (Apprentice, alive), Vlad Desmoulin (Close Friend, alive)
* Marital Status: Single
* Alignment: Lawful Evil/Chaotic Neutral
* Aliases/Nicknames: "Soul Sucker", Death
* Titles: Master Assassin, Master Shadowmancer, Soulweaver, "The Reaper of Souls"
* Affiliation(s): The Reapers
* Occupation(s): Priest, Rogue, Assassin, Shadowmancer, Soulweaver, Tailor, Chemist
* Mounts: Shadowsteed - Despair
* Skills: Weapons Master, Master Assassin, Master Shadowmancer, Soulweaver, Martial Artist
* Theme Song(s): Soul Sucker - Ozzy Osbourne, Dance of Death - Iron Maiden, Moonchild - Iron Maiden
* Likes: The Darkness, reading, long walks at night, a nice cup of tea
* Dislikes: The Light, loud noises, direct sunlight
* Favorite Color: Black or Purple
* Favorite Food: Cinnimon Rolls
* Favorite Drink: Honeymint Tea
* Favorite Music: Slow and quiet.
* Favorite Animal: Raven
* Religion: Previously a follower of the Light; now that his eyes have been opened, Kota is dedicated to the Shadows.
* Belief in Gods/Goddesses: Yes, but he only follows those allied with the Darkness.
* Belief in an Afterlife: Hell - Yes, Heaven - Yes, Purgatory - Yes
* Hobbies: Reading, tailoring, training with Cole, taking long walks by himself
* Quotes: "Your fate is decided: everlasting damnation for your sins..."
* Strengths: Master Shadowmancer and Assassin, complete resistance to dark/shadow attacks, very agile and strong, very intelligent
* Weakness: The Light
* Base of Operations: Sorrowblade Fortress, Duskwood