| - The episode starts in Vestal space, where Calthor’s forces are floating around as Calthor is trying to regrow his right arm but it is slow. Tivala says Master, if I can – I will offer my arm for your use and if not that, I can accelerate the healing process. Calthor says no, this must be done by me and me alone; normally – I could regrow lost limbs easily but the strength of their attacks cut off quite a bit of my power and therefore, makes it more difficult. I wonder what they are doing now. Tivala says we should strike at them quickly for this outrage; I will take care of it myself as she starts to fly off. But before she can fly off, she is restrained by an invisible force as Calthor uses his other arm to restrain her as he says angrily you will do no such thing – am I understood. Tivala says weakly yes Master as Calthor lets her go and says while this is a small victory for them, I will thrust my vengeance upon them. The scene now shifts to the afterlife and more specifically, in Avagan where the city has been rebuilt from recent attacks and Zakaros is training with Tornador and Trianic at a open field location. Zakaros’ friends, Tsurambo and the Attribute Masters and some bystanders are watching this as then, Tornador says Firenado and creates a fire tornado with Trianic then saying Tri-Blast Extreme – shooting through the tornado and creating three like tornado blasts. Zakaros manages to dodge the 1st two but can’t dodge the 3rd one. He then falls down as Tornador says okay, that was better than before but needs a bit of work with Trianic agreeing. Zakaros says all right, let’s go again as they repeat the process. Pyraxx says you know, Tornador and Trianic are quite good instructors, aren’t they as the rest agree but Darkor says they may be good but they are no Submarik and Venzana. Laqua says we just have to move past that time brother; they made their choice and like it or not, we have to accept the consequences. Just then, a roar is heard as the training stops and everybody looks up. They see three figures flying ahead as they come down. Daedathron says prepare the soldiers; we might be in for another fight but Tsurambo looks closely and says do not fire – I know who it is. It is revealed that these three on Dive Fujoe, Gaga Horus and Go Garyu as they land in a epic fashion as Garyu roars loudly. He looks around with interest as he then sees Tsurambo and says hello again, MasterGod. Tsurambo says Master Fujoe as he and the other Masters bow quickly – we are honored by your presence. Fujoe then looks down and sees Zakaros standing there and looking up with a confused look. Fujoe brings his head down close and says so, you are the successor I have heard about. He walks around examining him as Zakaros asks who are you – I haven’t heard of you before. Fujoe pokes at Zakaros with his claws as he says I am Dive Fujoe, the 4th Amulet Guardian as well as the trainer for all MasterGods and MasterGod successors. Zakaros says nice to meet you but Fujoe doesn’t look as pleased as he turns to Tsurambo and asks if this is a joke. Zakaros is surprised as Fujoe says he’s scrawny, small and from what I saw in that previous training session – not very skilled. Tsurambo says in a stuttering tone I do not mean to correct you wise one but he might surprise you. Zakaros turns and asks and what do you mean unskilled – in case you haven’t noticed; I’ve been stuck fighting 3 different enemies at once while getting this as he holds the Master’s Amulet up. Fujoe says ah, thank you as he takes it from Zakaros’ hand with his claw. Zakaros says hey, give that back but Fujoe says Waterport and in an instant, the Amulet is gone. Zakaros says hey, what did you do to it as Fujoe says I have sent it to my domain and it serves it right since it appears to have weakened both you and itself; the only way you are going to get it back is to pass my training as well as withstand the effects that it gave you since you have a new form but you can't access it permantly yet. Zakaros says yes, that has happened as Fujoe then says sternly very well, you will be coming with me – alone. Zakaros raises an eyebrow and asks why as Fujoe slaps him on the head and says I wasn’t finished. Zakaros rubs his head and says I apologize as he then says the Attribute Masters will be accompanying us but then, he sees only four in front of him. He then asks Tsurambo sternly where are the Subterra and Ventus Masters as Tsurambo explains what had occurred. Fujoe says I see - they will still have to come with me since they know secrets but it appears that you are his new Subterra and Ventus teachers I assume - directing towards Tornador and Trianic. Trianic says we are or at least trying to be but we can't leave as Tornador says if we leave this area for a long period of time, our Masters may awaken and suspect where we are; possibly even assume we have betrayed them. Fujoe says yes, I know of the war - this does present a problem. Daedathron says I may have a solution as he calls over a BakuGod and says bring them over as the BakuGod brings over a Subterra and Ventus Bakugan in ball form. Daedathron says meet Subleon and Venleon as they open up, looking like two chameleon like Bakugan. Everybody is amazed as Daedathron says we have been improving our stealth Bakugan count and these are two of our newly created BakuSpy Bakugan - they can literally take on the appearance, personalities, and memories of a similar Attribute Bakugan. Both of them say it is a pleasure to meet you all as Fujoe says ah, I see - these two will inflitrate both sides and take Trianic and Tornador's places in the war respectively but can they use the same abilities as the real ones. Daedathron says while they can't use the full abilities, we are expecting that because of the previous battle, they are weakened and therefore, not as strong until they fully recover as a cover. Before Fujoe can say anythimg, Go Garyu says Master, it is a great risk as Gaga Horus says I agree; it would not be wise to risk the lives of two Bakugan - considering the brutality of both sides. Subleon says you misunderstand - we were meant and created to do this as Venleon says we fight for the cause and the successor so do not worry about us. Fujoe smiles and says you honor all Bakugan with your courage and I will remember this for many years as Daedathron says do it as both Bakugan say Replicate and scan Tornador and Trianic and become them in ball form. Everybody is amazed as Daedathron says you have your orders; move out as they both say yes sir and leave. After they go, Fujoe says we have wasted enough time here - it is time to go, the Masters will ride on Horus and Garyu but make sure the traitors are chained. As Pyraxx, Darkor, Laqua and Hatoro climb on Garyu - Submarik and Venzana are brought out in handcuffs and seated on Horus, still looking sad but Venzana says thank you for giving us this chance, Master Fujoe as Fujoe says sternly I will deal with you two when we arrive. He then turns to Zakaros and says let's go successor - time to prove to me if you really are the one as Zakaros turns to his friends and says stay safe and I'll be back soon as Daedathron says don't worry - we will handle things here as Thorius says train hard and you'll succeed. Zakaros smiles and says thank you as he grows his wings and Fujoe roars and everybody flies up in the air and away. Everybody waves goodbye as then, Torin looks around and says hey, where's Blakai as everybody starts looking around for him while the scene shifts to the group flying in the sky. The scene shifts back to space where the Vestal Interceptor is flying through space on its way to New Vestroia and Earth. Everybody is still recovering from the battle as Vestal work crews, along with Neathian Castle Knights, taking care of necessary repairs. The scene now shifts back to the Brawlers who are looking at the screen showing Vestal’s destruction. Spectra holds up the picture he managed to save and says I wish we could have done more as Mira then leaves the room crying and out the door. Ace and Spectra follow her out as everybody gathers around with Runo saying calmly, so – what do we do now guys. Dan says I don’t know if there is much we can do – he is just too powerful; look what he did to me. Dan then gets angry and punches a wall hard. Everybody looks at him shocked as Dan tears up a bit and says but what Zakaros did was stupid – why didn’t he tell me what he was doing. Everybody looks at him and as he continues and says he could have said something – I would have stayed there if it was his only way back. Baraxx then walks up and says whatever the case, Zakaros must have had a reason but we have to assume that we are this galaxy’s last chance and either we need to do something about it or die trying, with Firebaxx saying not literally but you guys get the idea. Marucho says Baraxx is right but first, we need a plan this time – we can just go on defense all the time without organization but then, they get an incoming message. Everybody notices as Runo says who could that be calling us. Gus then says it’s coming from Earth – putting it on the screen as the screen shows Paige and Linus looking tired. Paige says hey guys – listen, I know you guys are busy trying to save Vestal and all but then, Shun says not anymore – Vestal is gone. Both of them are shocked as Gus says we couldn’t save it but we have managed to get a small victory and some time to prepare for the next strike. Linus shakes his head to wake up and says well, you need to get back here soon because we have a problem. Dan says great, what now as then, Paige says see for yourself as she projects an image of Dylan, Mylene and Shadow attacking Interspace with Chaos Bakugan and Mechtogan copies. Everybody is shocked as Marucho says you have got to be kidding me and Baron saying how can Mylene and Shadow be alive – we saw them disappear with that Death Bomb last time. Just then, Julie appears and says hey guys, sorry to bug you like this. Runo says what’s the matter Julie – spill it. Julie says Dylan and his lackeys have been attacking Interspace while you have been gone and it’s been a nightmare. Luckily, I called him some old friends in and they have been managing to hold him off but we need help as then, the screen zooms out and then, Dylan appears on the screen. Everybody jumps back as Dylan says well, well, well - look who we have here. Dan says all right - how did he get in here as Spectra comes back in and says the systems are still adjusting the power from the Ragnarok Dextra so we haven't fully put in the defense firewalls. Dylan chuckles and says you guys certainly look beat up - you been saving the world or something. Marucho says none of your business freak as Dylan says well, seeing as how you abandoned Interspace so quickly, it gave me the right time to get back in and makes things interesting as he licks his lollipop. Shun says how did you even survive the deletion - you were stuck in there. Dylan says oh, you don't think I'm that stupid do you - I reconfigured by data and was able to come into the real world and I slipped away while you were doing your little celebration after Mag Mel's defeat. And I'm not alone as he then shows Mylene and Shadow on his left and right sides. Spectra immediately gets shocked as then, Mira and Ace walk back in and they see it as well. Mira covers her mouth with her hands and says it can't be as Spectra says stutteringly Mylene........Shadow.........you're alive. Shadow says yes we are in a way - old friend and we will have our revenge as Mylene says you let us go and now, we will destroy all that you have created and hold dear as the screen zooms back to Dylan. Dylan says your little backup crew has done quite the job in holding things but it won't be long now before they let up and I take over not only Interspace, but the whole planet as he laughs and the screen cuts him off and back to Paige, Julie and Linus. Paige says that guy has gone nuts as Linus says agreed - we will try to hold him until you can get back. The transmission ends as Spectra takes a seat and says I can't believe they are alive as Helios says yeah but they are still the same as ever. Mira then says what now guy as Baraxx says we are now fighting on two fronts - we have Calthor and his forces on one side and trust me, he won't stay down for long and now this enemy of yours who is also being stalled - one has to give. Dan is silent but is deep in thought. Drago says what's up Dan as Dan looks up sternly and says guys, I have a plan but we need everybody here. Baraxx says I'll go get Lindsata and the others as he heads out while everybody waits. Meanwhile, back in the afterlife, the group of Fujoe, his students, the Attribute Masters, Tornador, Trianic and Zakaros are flying high in the air. They can all see the destruction that the Great War has caused as Fujoe says to himself it saddens me - my Mistress would be displeased at what the BakuGods have become. On Gaga Horus, Submarik is silent as Venzana says Master Fujoe, we know this does not look favorably upon us but we were manipulated and didn't know the situation. Fujoe says Tsurambo was not the only one who was watching the previous battle at the Gate and trust me, you were not manipulated as he flies on ahead with Venzana in shock and going into slience. Pyraxx notices this and says I'm conflicted of whether I should be sorry or glad for them as Darkor says we should feel nothing - they betrayed their duty and are suffering the consequences; even if they are our kin as everybody and Pyraxx agree again. Zakaros then flies up to Fujoe and says so, where exactly are we going as Fujoe says you will find out soon enough as they come to a glowing wall in the distance. They stop as Submarik looks up and says why have we stopped, is something in our way. Zakaros looks behind him and says you can't see the wall as Venzana asks what wall in surprise with Tornador and Trianic saying the same thing. Fujoe says only certain people, Bakugan and even BakuGods can see this wall; it is a barrier that keeps this place hidden from unwanted eyes. He then backs up a bit and says "Water Art - Orb Release!" as he moves water around with his claws and envelops them all in a water like covering. Pyraxx immediately gets scared saying fire but realizes that the water isn't affecting him, even from an element standpoint. Fujoe says now, we fly through as he goes right through the wall first with everybody following suit. They then are all surprised as they arrive in a complete different world with huge, lush trees, fog, mist and winding rivers and clear skies. Zakaros says what is this place as Fujoe says welcome to the Mist Forestlands - a sacred ground that only those worthy may come through and live in. Fujoe continues by saying this land was created on BakuThia as a training ground for all MasterGods and MasterGod successors. When BakuThia was destroyed, this land became part of the afterlife and has remained peaceful due to the barrier that protects it as well as those who live in it. Zakaros says incredible but how does the barrier stay alive as Fujoe says you will meet the Gatekeeper of this land soon. They then head to the temple where the students are still gathered and straighting things up for the new arrivals. Fujoe roars in arrival as he lands on his pedestal as does everybody else. The students are all talking on how they have never seen a successor before and it's an honor. Fujoe gestures Zakaros to walk up the stairs as Zakaros walks up and then, sees the Master's Amulet hanging on a hook - next to the last remaining piece. Fujoe says as you can see, I have put the Amulet in a protective casing to prevent any more side effects. Now then, we will progress but then, he is silent and says we are not alone as everybody looks around. At that moment, a Darkus Bakugan says Master, I have caught the intruder as he has Blakai in an orb. Zakaros is shocked and says release him now, with Fujoe saying all right. The Bakugan releases him and Blakai catches his breath with Zakaros saying what are you doing here - you're supposed to be back at Avagan. Blakai says I'm sorry but I wanted to help if I could. Fujoe then says "Molecule Pull" as he pulls Blakai close to him in mid air with Fujoe saying I'm not pleased. He lets Blakai down and asks how did you get in here - you didn't receive the protection I gave the others and there are no alternatives. At that moment, Ganoreda and Gezard come out and as Ganoreda we kind of helped with a substitute method. Fujoe says ah, you possess two of the other Amulet Guardians - their power may had the same effect but it doesn't excuse the fact that you are here. This land is sacred and you being here deflies that - you will be sent back immediately with your memory wiped of how you got here. Zakaros says hold on, surely there must be an exception since the Masters, Tornador and Trianic are here as Fujoe says teachers are the exception in your circumstances. He continues by saying normally, my students and I are your instructors but since time is of the essence for you especially - I allowed the others to come to speed the process. But I cannot have pointless people here who serve no purpose in the training. Laqua says if I may speak Master Fujoe - Blakai is an exceptional warrior given his young age and can assist in other ways if need be. Fujoe closes his eyes and says under my better judgment, I will agree to him staying - however, if he interferes in any way during the successor's training; he will be removed immediately - do I make myself clear. Blakai says perfectly, um....sir. Zakaros then gets stern and says Blakai, he is serious and so am I - please don't interfere; no matter what. Fujoe says sternly Garyu, Horus - take Submarik and Venzana to the chambers while everyone relaxes for today - the training begins tomorrow. The scene now shifts back to the Interceptor and to a part of the ship where Lindsata is sitting at a table while looking into space. At that moment, Blan Shoult appears and says Mistress, are you all right as she says oddly says, I'm all right. Ginryu then comes out and says you can't fool us - we are thinking about him too. Lindsata says I know Zakaros is doing his best but I do wonder exactly why he did what he did as Shoult says I am the same way but it would have been nice if he had told me and I was with in a long time. At that moment, Zak Jaguard and Flame Aigle pop out as Jaguard says maybe, he couldn't. Lindsata says explain in interest as Aigle says maybe he knew that Calthor would suspect a ploy and he had to hide that he is already getting ready to come back in order to give him a false sense of security. Everybody looks at each other as Lindsata says that could be a possibility but I don't know; maybe we really are the last line of defense against Calthor. Shoult says I can't and refuse to believe that - he will find a way. Lindsata says you're right and we need to believe that and now, only if that other thing would happen. Everybody looks down and as Aigle says there has been no improvement correct. Lindsata shakes her head and then reaches into her robes and pulls out a Darkus and Ventus Bakugan. She puts them down on the table as her other Bakugan gather around. Jaguard pushes one saying hey, you asleep but it rolls off the table. Lindsata then catches it and puts it back with the other, saying I don't know if War Cry or Nino Daishow will wake again. Ginryu says I can remember the day as the scene shifts to a flashback of the Great War on BakuTopia where Lindsata is fighting some DarkGods with War Cry and Nino Daishow as she says "Ability Activate - Screech Clash!" as War Cry fires a loud cry that defeats some enemies. She then says "Ability Activate - Turbine Strike!" as Daishow fires up the wings on his two sides and fires two explosive wind tornadoes from them, defeating a few enemies. They regroup as War Cry says we are victorious as Daishow says don't get cocky at least not yet. Lindsata says soon, the HighGods will win but then, a Darkus Bakugan appears out of nowhere in shadow (in actuality, it is Dio Sivac) as War Cry and Daishow yell out Mistress and they get in front of her as the Darkus Bakugan slices them and blasts them, injuring them badly and returning them to ball form. Lindsata is shocked as she picks them and the Bakugan flies away from the fight. She asks them if they are all right but she gets no answer and keeps on trying to wake them up but then, an explosion is heard as she sees the planet cracking and blowing up and a bright light is seen enveloping her as she screams and tries to shield herself. Back in real life, Lindsata says they protected me and yet, none of my healing or power can bring them back. At that moment, a voice says you are trying your best as it shows Baraxx is walking forward and he takes a seat across from Lindsata. Lindsata says I wanted to be alone as Baraxx says Dan wants everybody on the bridge for a plan he's come up with and I apologize for listening in on your conversation but I happened to hear Aigle's theory on why Zakaros was slient and I have to agree with it. Shoult says you do as Firebaxx says think about it - remember when Zakaros told us on Neathia about this Master's Amulet thing that he had to go get; what if that device is more important that we realize. Baraxx says I remember faintly that successors have to gain a type of medallion or amulet and it allows them to do amazing things that even normal BakuGods like you or me at one point could do, the impossible even. But, if Calthor knew that Zakaros had it already - he might have accelerated his plans farther and therefore, might be too late. Everybody gets hopeful as Lindsata says so that means, he could still be coming and we will be all right but Baraxx holds up a hand and says let's not get too hopeful though for two reasons: to not get the Brawlers overconfident and not to let Calthor know that we know this. Lindsata says agreed; we should get to the bridge as she grabs Daishow and War Cry, puts them back in her robes and they both head off to the bridge. But, in other robes, Daishow and War Cry start to glow slighty and move around a bit. The scene now shifts to the DarkGod base, where the soldiers are gathered in the planning room when then, a loud crash is heard as a door opens and appears Neotaro, still injured and with his head down. The soldiers bow quickly as the lead General says my lord, we are pleased to see that you are well. Neotaro raises his head, revealing a long scar across his face as he says angrily status report. The general says we fought to a standstill; most of our forces are injured and recuperated. Neotaro doesn’t seem that interested as he says very well, as you were as he then leaves still wobbling. He then goes down a flight of stars underground while leaning against the wall and says Zakaros and those allies of his have now become my personal goal of destruction. He then reaches a door and says but the tides will turn since I have this. He opens the door and in this mysterious room is a Darkus Bakugan that is being held by a 5 layered force field. He laughs quietly and says the games end right now. (End of episode)