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| - Water Spirit
- Water spirit
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- The Water Spirit is an enemy encounter in Suikoden Tactics. It is found in Ruins of Obel Level 3, Level 4, Level 5 and Water Chamber. This enemy automatically match the playable characters level when entering the ruins and it is deadly.
- The water spirit was the catalyst that transformed Langdon Everett Caul into Abe Sapien. Relatively little is known about this creature and many questions remain unanswered. Although it is not clear, it is likely that this creature is named Num-Yabisc, or at the very least that its temple is called "the Caverns of Num-Yabisc."
- Water Spirit is an herb picked by herbalists.
- The water spirit is a monster in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. It is stronger than the water beast, but weaker than the water elemental. Water spirits usually attack in close combat, dealing 4D12 physical damage, and have a 30% chance to use the ice bolt spell. They are immune to cold, poison, and magic damage, and can be encountered in the Monolith and the Eel-infested Waters.
- The Water Spirit (formally AquaSpirit) is one of the Four Spirits in VII.
- Water Spirit is more likely to use powerful spells in rainy weather or on Watersday. The delay between its spells can be reduced by having higher Summoning Magic skill, wearing Summoner's Spats, or summoning the spirit in its matching day and/or weather.
- The Water Spirit is the only of the four original spirits to be of a ranged nature and also deal mostly magical damage even on auto attacks. Although most people may feel a need to acquire a Water Spirit prior to the level cap, its use is almost absent from existence prior to reaching said cap. This spirit is very focused in its nature and as such suffers across the board with below average Vitality, Speed, Attack, and Physical Defense but standing out with the highest Magical Defense. This Spirit has powerful ranged attacks, but weak melee attacks.
- When Montmorency wanted to see the water spirit, she pulled out her familiar Robin down by the shore of the lake. She pricked her finger and gave her familiar a drop of her blood on its head as proof that is was truly her. Robin jumps into the lake so to make contact with the water spirit and show the spirit Montmorency's blood. The water spirit came out of the lake water in front of them as a column of water about six time their size. The watery form from the lake takes the watery see through nude form of Montmorency herself. Montmorency is a little embarrassed. Note: In the upper picture they are on the beach to the right of the Water Spirit. When she is asked by Montmorency if she would give a piece of her body (this is known as Spirit Tear's), she refuses. Saito asks why is she refusin
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- 23(xsd:integer)
- 24(xsd:integer)
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fr name
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es lore
| - Este antiguo espíritu de agua ronda los monolitos glaciares de la Antártida. Tiene el poder de filtrarse por los poros de cualquier sustancia y congelarla.
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Romaji Name
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ja lore
| - 古代南極大陸の永久凍土にて生命が宿ったと言われる氷水の精霊。様々な物質に浸透する事ができる。
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it lore
| - Questo antico spirito dell'acqua infesta i monoliti glaciali dell'Antartica. Ha il potere di infiltrarsi nei pori di qualsiasi sostanza e congelarla fino nel profondo.
pt name
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| - This ancient water spirit haunts the glacial monoliths of Antarctica. It has the power to seep into the pores of any substance and chill it to the bone.
pt lore
| - Este espírito antigo da água assombra os monólitos glaciais da Antártica. Ele tem o poder de escoar entre os poros de qualquer substância e resfriá-la até o osso.
zh lore
| - 傳說是由古代南極大陸的永久凍土所蘊育出的冰水精靈。能夠滲透各種物質。
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ko lore
| - 고대 남극대륙의 영구동토에 생명이 깃들었다고 전해지는 빙수의 요정. 다양한 물질에 침투할 수 있다.
de lore
| - Dieser uralte Geist spukt in den eiszeitlichen Monolithen der Antarktis. Er hat die Kraft, in die Poren jedes Wesens zu sickern und es bis auf die Knochen durchzufrieren.
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fr lore
| - Cette créature aquatique hante les monolithes glaciaires de l'Antarctique. Son pouvoir surnaturel lui permet de s'infiltrer dans les pores de n'importe quelle substance pour la transformer en glace.
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| - 231(xsd:integer)
- 400(xsd:integer)
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