| - Compagnie(s) deservant(s) la gare :
* Compagnie du chemin de fer du métropolitain de ParisCatégorie:Gare (CMP).
* Régie Autonome des Transports ParisiensCatégorie:Gare (RATP).
- Stalingrad (formerly Tsaritsyn, also known as Volgograd) is a city located in the Russian SFSR, on the Volga River. It was named after the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.
- Battle of Stalingrad.
- Stalingrad, now known as Volvograd, Volgograd or Volograd for those who cannot spell, is one of the major cities of the Minor State of Russia where dirty palestinians reside.
- Die Schlacht von Stalingrad war eine der größten Schlachten des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Im damaligen Stalingrad (jetzt Wolgograd) begann die Schlacht 1942 mit einem Angriff der deutschen 6. Armee auf Stalingrad und endete 1943 mit der Niederschlagung der deutschen Truppen. Über eine Million Menschen liessen hier ihr Leben.
- Stalingrad, now known as Volgograd, is an important industrial city and the administrative center of one of the federal subjects or oblasts in Russia.
- Stalingrad — карта для сетевой игры в Call of Duty и Call of Duty: United Offensive. Базируется на уровнях одиночной игры Красная площадь и Канализационные трубы.
- Stalingrad (literally "Stalin City") was a major industrial city in Russia. During World War II on the Eastern Front, the city was the site of the Battle of Stalingrad. Stalingrad is prominently featured in Call of Duty, Call of Duty: Finest Hour, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty 2 (Windows Mobile) as a multiplayer map and as a zombies map in Call of Duty: Black Ops III.
- Stalingrad is a city ruled by Stalin. File:Burger icon.png This thingy is a stub, It doesn't appear in dictionaries so we're gonna say it's a PINGAS only Tamia would want to gently caress. You can help My English Wiki by fonking it and spit lotsa spaghetti text. If this page is not dense enough, it could be deleted.
- Stalingrad on kaupunki Neuvostoliitossa, jossa käytiin Stalingradin taistelu. Stalingrad oli Neuvostoliiton ylpeys ja koko kommunistisen maailman suurin teollisuuskaupunki. Siellä oli Punainen lokakuu ja Barrikadi tehtaat. Luokka:Neuvostoliiton kaupungit Luokka:Stalingrad
- The Battle of Stalingrad (Russian:Сталинградская битва)was one of the most pivotal military battles of World War II. The battle was fought from August 23, 1942 to February 2, 1943. German troops were decimated by the defending Soviets in the battle which involved more personnel than any other battle of the war. It is often regarded as one of the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare as it resulted in approximately two million casualties. It is a map featured in Battlefield 1942.
- Stalingrad was the name of a city in the nation-state of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Earth. It was originally named Tsaritsyn until 1925, when it was renamed for Joseph Stalin, and then renamed again in 1961, to Volgograd. The city was the site of the Battle of Stalingrad in World War II, considered the bloodiest battle in Human history. (TOS novel: Home is the Hunter)
- Im Lazarett Ende 1943 An Max Gruber Mein treuer Freund Max, ich schreibe dir aus dem Lazarett welches kürzlich und eigens für uns Überlebende aus Stalingrad errichtet wurde. Ich habe starke Schmerzen in meinem linken Bein, oder vielmehr was davon übrig geblieben ist und nicht in Fetzen von meinem Knochen baumelt. Ich werde hier zwar recht gut versorgt doch ich finde keinen Schlaf, keine Glücksgefühle, kein Gewehr mehr in der Hand halten zu müssen, keinen Willen, weiter zu kämpfen. Einen Moment herrschte Stille. Sie wurde zerrissen von einem Kratzen an der Tür.
- The city of Volgograd, better for its previous name Stalingrad, was founded in 1569 as a fortress. The city fell to the Cossack rebel armies of Stenka Razin (1670)and Pugachev (1774). It was renamed Stalingrad in 1925. Before bolshevik's takeover it was known as Tsaritsyn. One of the biggest and most decisive battles of World War II was focused here. The city was virtually destroyed. The true numbers may never be known, but at least hundred thousands Russians and 250.000 Germans died in the Battle for Stalingrad. After the turning point at Stalingrad, Soviet forces took the offensive on the eastern front. This heavily industrialized port, rail junction and regional capital has been built from scratch since 1945. Now today Volgograd is the administrative and economic center of the Lower Vol