| - One day, a young Charles Darwin picked up a Bible and began looking for a good page to rip out and roll a doobie with. Suddenly, his eyes widened with awe and fear at the things he read. Darwin knew for a fact that every last word in this book was true because the book said so, and he just had this gut feeling that he was right and everyone else was wrong. Darwin however, being the critical thinker he was, wanted to ensure he was not jumping to conclusions too quickly, so he proceeded to pray about it for the next 26 seconds, and then concluded that he was indeed correct. This was because he prayed to God with a sincere heart, so if he was wrong, God definitely would have told him so.
| - One day, a young Charles Darwin picked up a Bible and began looking for a good page to rip out and roll a doobie with. Suddenly, his eyes widened with awe and fear at the things he read. Darwin knew for a fact that every last word in this book was true because the book said so, and he just had this gut feeling that he was right and everyone else was wrong. Darwin however, being the critical thinker he was, wanted to ensure he was not jumping to conclusions too quickly, so he proceeded to pray about it for the next 26 seconds, and then concluded that he was indeed correct. This was because he prayed to God with a sincere heart, so if he was wrong, God definitely would have told him so. The new Darwin, plagued with this new guilt from his lifestyle of Pokémon, Monday Night Mahjong, and reading Harry Potter, desperately sought out any possible excuse he could find to free his mind from fear of getting The Thunderbolt. Darwin had already spent four months of his life training his level 92 Mewtwo by beating the Elite Four upwards of 600 times, and was not willing to erase his file for Jesus. Then one day while Darwin was playing Pokémon on the crapper, it hit him - people can evolve just like Pokémon do, and there is no god in the Pokéworld, so there must be no god here. Inspiration had struck, and evolution was born. Darwin then designed evolutionary branches of every creature he could think of, even adding in some of his own made-up pre-historic creatures simply for the lulz. This evolutionary chart included LVLs at which each animal evolved.