Callos es un planeta del borde exterior,rebosante de vida que perdió tras el bombardeo de Callos.
Callos was a planet that was once teeming with animal and plant life. It was devastated by the Galactic Empire around 3 BBY.
La meta del Dr. Callos era combinar genéticamente murciélagos con los seres humanos con el fin de poder difundir el Virus-G entre el mayor número de personas en el menor tiempo posible. Era un líder muy estricto e implacable, Callos fue conocido por castigar a sus subordinados con la muerte a la menor provocación, y por lo tanto a su personal de apoyo vivía con el temor de él.
Callos era un pianeta dell'Orlo Esterno, un tempo brulicante di vita animale e vegetale. Venne stato devastato da parte dell'Impero Galattico circa nel 3 BBY.
Callos is also popular in the Philippines, being inherited from the Spanish during the World War II. It is often considered to be "poor man's food", because this is very inexpensive., it composed of stomach lining of a cow was boiled until tender and flavored with classic Spanish ingredients like onions, garlic and tomatoes.
Dr. Callos was the head of research for a secret Umbrella Corporation lab located outside of the Nevada town of Saguaro Wells. He was behind a project to spread the G-Virus through a race of bat-human hybrids.